
Do you think ADOPTION works in most cases, some cases or no cases??

by  |  earlier

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I have meet on two different occations lately, adoptees who shared their stories with me and a few friends.

Is this typical? They spoke about being afraid their A/P would be upset if they got to know and like their original families. Could this be true???

Why would there be such a lack of compassion from these A/P for the reunion of the adoptees with their genetical family?

I don't get it.




  1. When a couple is need of a child and they adop, this adoption shall be working throughout in life provided the couple do not have a child of their own during the remaining part of their life.;

  2. Well the adopting parents would have a fear the child would like the real parents more. That child is their child now and they love them. Having a child prefer another parents would be a heart wrencher.

    I think adoption works.

  3. Their adopted parents would NEVER be angry if the child wanted to know their REAL parents. EVERYONE wants to know their roots. I'm sure if those kids asked their adoptive parents of they could let them look for their real parents, they would say: ''once you turn 18, i will help find you parents''.  The would say that only because in some cases, adoptive kids are not aloud to sepak to their real parents (because of abuse).

    Now, to answer your question about if it works or not. Just like with REAL parents, some people turn out to be great parents and others turn out to be of the worst kind. Even tho they have to pass certain test before they are aloud to adopt, some of them shouldn't EVER have children under their care!

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