
Do you think ALL dogs should be spay or neutered?

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very intelligent answer Yalespencer! I've never sold a dog/puppy for money in my life. But, I'm glad to see your out there keeping the integrity of Y!A




  1. No, Not ALL dogs..

    but at least 90-99% should be spayed and neutered.

  2. no, because if we have all breeds/dogs spayed or neutered then what happens when dogs go extinct

  3. Check out some of the shelters in your area with pets being euthanized soon and answer this question for yourself.

  4. Yes unless they are a pure bred and you plan on breeding them.

  5. Yes, all responsible pet owners should have their dogs spayed or neutered. I don't think ALL dogs should be or there would be no more dogs. LOL.  

  6. only yours because your a psycho whose doing it for money, and you're completely ignorant on the subject.

  7. yes

    unless you are a RESPONSIBLE breeder and know what you're doing

  8. No. Spaying and neutering has not been proven to increase life span. In fact in large breed dogs spaying and neutering can be a very negative thing. Large breeds are slower to mature and they need those hormones to grow properly. They should at be at least 18 months old before neutering. Spaying a female dog is a very serious operation. Many, many female dogs die each year due to infection and complications. Having your entire uterus and ovaries removed is probably going to be the most risky and dangerous operation your dog or cat goes through. Much, much worse than ear cropping or de-clawing a cat. Yet people see this as a very necesarry operation. Neutering a male dog is not as bad. If you can responsibly care for an unaltered dog than I think it's the best way. It really isn't that difficult. But unfortunately most people lack the knowledge to do this so spaying and neutering is a better option than a litter of unwanted puppies.Show/breeding worthy dogs of course should not be altered until they have finished breeding.

  9. No. I believe all pet-quality dogs, or dogs that do not meet their breed standard or those who are mixed breeds should be spayed and neutered - it's silly to choose not to eliminate their risk of several illnesses and cancers 100 percent. Dogs that do meet their breed standards and are part of reputable breeder's breeding programs should not.

  10. All dogs who are not owned by a reputable dog breeder - purebred or not - who takes proper care of their animals & screens potential owners carefully should be spayed or neutered.  Most puppies are the result of irresponsible owners who don't know how to care for their animals properly.  There is no reason for the number of dogs that are in animal shelters other than pure ignorance of responsibility and lack of education on the proper care of animals.  Do all dogs need to be high-dollar purebreds? No.  Do all dogs deserve a good home where they are properly cared for? YES.

  11. Well obviously we need a majority spayed/neutered to keep numbers down. but we really dont want All dogs spayed because then they could never breed and we wouldnt have our amazing animals.

  12. No, not all.  Excellent examples of their respective breeds should be used for breeding to produce excellence in the next generation.  Particularly with working dogs,  certain traits are necessary to perform their work.  These traits exist in the breed by selectively breeding individuals that have them.  

    Example:  The guide dog school in San Raphael CA initially depended on breeders to donate dogs to the program.  90% washed out and never became finished guide dogs.  Either they were too spooky, too body sensitive,  sound shy, etc.  So they started keeping back the best of the best and created their own breeding kennel.  Within 9 years the washout rate dropped to 10%!!!  Selective breeding for specific traits of physique, temperament, and ability produce them a lot more consistenty than random breeding.   Outstanding workig dogs need to be kept back as breeders to ensure the same talent in the next generation.

  13. No. Not at all Both my dogs are fixed but there are different reasons why to and why not to spay/neuter other than preventing puppies.   some dogs don't do well under anestisia (not breeds but individual dogs) if I felt that the anistesia would be too much of a risk I wouldn't have my dog fixed.   Or medical conditions where it wouldn't be a good idea.

    Benefits, no risk of puppies and less chance of cancers in a fixed dog unlike a unfixed dog

  14. No. Breeding programs are fine. If you don't have enough money to get your dog fixed than you shouldn't have a dog because you sure as h**l won't have enough money to properly raise a litter.  

  15. All dogs that are pet quality, cross breed or are Kennel Club registered but not going to be shown should be spayed or neutered. I think it should be illegal not to spay/neuter a dog that falls into one of those that I mentioned. Why risk your dogs health for no reason other than to save money? My grandparents un-neutered Border Collie died of testicular cancer.

    The only people that do spay or neuter their pet quality dog are those that aren't idiots. The rest think it's fine and end up with pregnant dogs.

  16. Spay and neuter in all instances with the exception of following:

    Breeders of champions

    Breeders of working dogs

    If the dog has a medical condition and if put under anesthesia, can die

  17. well its totally up to the owner but personally i fix all my pets i dont think there should be ppl having their dogs pop out pups just fir money ir through irresposibleness there are enough shelter dogs and i think if theres gonna be breeding then it should be done right

  18. No way. If all dogs were spayed/neutered, there'd be no more dogs.

    Not to mention some dogs can't be spayed/neutered due to medical reasons. Forcing them to go under anesthesia if they have such a medical condition could be fatal.

    I feel that only high-quality dogs, such as show dog and working dogs, should be purposely bred.

    That being said, I am also against mandatory spay/neuter laws because it is ultimately the owner's decision; to force spay/neuter is a violation of personal property rights.


  19. If the owner can't keep them from breeding or will not and also won't do the proper gentic testing to ensure healthy pups the yes they should be fixed.

    If they are pet quality animals - yes forwhatever reaon they don't live up to the breed standard they shouldn't be bred.

    If they owner doesn't know what they are doing - no mentor, asking questions on here etc. Breeding dogs is more than about putting two animals together.

    If the animal has a genetic condition that will negatively affect the health and wellbeing of its potential offspring.

    If the owner can't prevent the dogs from roaming and mating with any ***** or male they come across.

    So not ALL dog but the majority of them should be.  

  20. I think all dogs that aren't going to be bred by a responsible breeder should be spayed or nuetered also I think everyone should choose a shelter dog before going to a breeder for their dog.

  21. No!  It's up to the owner completely.  Intact dogs are completely fine, and there's arguements both ways for which is "healthier".  If the owners cannot HANDLE an intact dog without making puppies, then they NEED to spay/neuter.  

    I spay/neuter for two reasons.  One:  I don't breed, nor do I intend upon doing so.   Two:  I'm not up to the task of being responsible with intact dogs.

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