
Do you think ANWR will come to the forefront now with Palin?

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I think the pick of Palin has more to it than "she's a woman", she knows the issue of drilling for ANWR better than anyone in government, and wants drilling.

McCain was against drilling in ANWR early into the election, but has slowly been changing his tune. His pick can be his voice for pushing this issue in a highly informed way.

What do you think?




  1. I just think it's a stupid debate about ANWR.  It's really a token issue that represents a face policy on the environment.  If there was another oil rich place with cuter animals and a landscape ANWR would be getting pumped right now like a $10 hooker.

  2. It has been in the forefront for quite a while.  Where have you been?

  3. I think you're right.  If Alaska will move ahead on drilling, then the rest of the country will move that way too.

  4. Her stance on ANWR is "Just drill, baby!" We need to stop being slaves to the environmental movement, which isn't the issue anyway. We need to worry about ourselves first, and then the caribou and polar bears. We can drill for oil without hurting the environment. I think that we will drill there. The American people clearly want to do that. I also think Sarah Palin can convince McCain to be in favor of it.  

  5. you bet ye.

  6. I don't.  And I know ANWR more than Sarah does - having been there on numerous occasions. There is another state that's sitting on all of the black gold right now that's way more accessible, capped and waiting, and does not endanger animals.

    Do you happen to know where that might be? If not, find out.

  7. duh ... of course!

  8. ANWR's been in the forefront as a relentless industry target for the last almost 8 years... and Palin's pro drilling since oil rules in Alaska without other major industry. I think the oil-gas industry wants to get their hands on as much of our public lands as they can while the current administration is in office. They know they won't be able to once Democrats are back in the White House. Despite already having leases on 68 million acres of land and 90 million acres offshore....most of it undeveloped... they want MORE NOW.  

  9. I hope so... I really do...  If anyone knows ANWR it is her..  

  10. I hope so. If we had started drilling there 10 years ago think about how much more supply we would have now.

  11. It may come to the forefront, but the democratic led Congress will still try and ignore it.  

  12. i say drill thru the polar bears to get the oil and ease the burden on

    working families!

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