
Do you think ASBO have tackled anti social behaviour and why??

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Do you think ASBO have tackled anti social behaviour and why??




  1. As a victim of a Gang of 30 and only 2 were given Asbos after thousands of pounds worth of damage and that's just a small part of their crimes, I can tell you it doesn't work and not only that the sentences of these ASBOS are ridicules, as the other answer said they see it as a Badge of Honor. These politicians legislated these so called ASBOs to look as though they are doing something about crime, look where we are at now knifes stabbings shootings are, regular people dying and suffering.

    Three things need to be done take away political correctness 'let the police do their job' and take away the liberal attitudes of Judges, 'don't get me started on them' and more importantly get rid of Labour!!!

  2. From what I've seen, ASBO's don't work. The offenders see it like a medal of honour to get one, it makes them really hard and cool.

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