
Do you think Al Gore should be sued for fraud??

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The question was posed by John Coleman - founder of The Weather Channel:

I'm not launching any lawsuits but I'm asking the question that if Al Gore knows that CO2 forcing, that is, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from our fossil fuels, is not causing global warming, isn't he committing financial fraud when he sells carbon credits to people to offset their use of fossil fuels and putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? I've asked the question and believe me, a lot of people were really interested in that question.




  1. Have a trial and let each side present their case.

  2. It all comes down to the fact that we SHOULD be cleaning up the world. We SHOULD be getting away from fossil fuels or making less pollution.

  3. If you sue Gore for fraud, then shouldn't you try Bush as a War Criminal?  

    Gore didn't kill anybody.  

    How many has Bush's war killed?

  4. Yes, I think he should be sued.

    Do I think he will actually lose the case?  No.  If this goes to court, he will find some way to "prove" that these "carbon credits" are actually worth something and the case will be thrown out for a lack of actual fraud.


    It would be good to carry this out because it would actually corner Al Gore into having the debate he keeps claiming is over, yet he never entered and continues to run away from.

    I think this action by Coleman is in response to the climate conference held in New York this week in which over 400 actual scientists who do NOT drink Gore's kool-aide gathered to discuss what really needs to be done.  They offered Gore his usual speaking fee and all expenses paid to have this debate that his entire life is centered around, but he declined.

    Why would decline a chance to once again end the debate he claims is already over?  He acts like he's got all the "facts" on his side.  Why didn't he show up and present them to the people he claims can't win a debate with him?

    By the way, to the "individual" who slammed Glenn Beck as a source even when it wasn't his information but an interview with the founder of the Weather Channel that brought this question to us and then instructed us not to watch Fox News.

    Glenn Beck does not appear on Fox News.  His television show in on CNN Headline News and his radio show is NOT on the Fox Radio Network.

    Once again, a liberal with their facts screwed up.

  5. You know, there's plenty of dinosaurs I'd imagine.. that would like to know how it got from the swampy 100-120 degrees they knew, every freaking day, to an Ice Age and back... without their ever having driven a CAR. (and in fact, helping comprise the petrol that moves these cars). Global climate change is as complex as the Earth itself -- and can't be explained by Al Gore in 1,000s years of trying.

    POLLUTION is the issue, and that's "conveniently avoided" by Gore in that film, his talks AND in his real life -- stop me, if you've heard him connect BENZENE which causes cancer, to BIG OIL refineries that spew BENZENE onto people's houses, air they breathe for ALL of Al Gore's life & times in government? (hello? this thing on? ..tap..tap).

    Gore was in the White House for 8 years, and says nothing but 2 SECONDS of time in that movie about that -- no NAFTA, no eliminating Fed. MPG standards (which Sir Michael Moore USED to mention, right?), no soccer mom 9 to 11mph SUVs for everyone, no sitting for 4 calendar years on the Kyoto Accords?.. stop it... (In fact, he was embarassed into applying some Solar Power in July, 2007.. 2+ years after filming his Movie, right? ..when it was leaked how much just ONE of his mansions cost vs. a Regular Joe in energy costs, waste & pollution.)

    He's made a ton of money, being the spokesperson for Fear and Smoke & Mirrors... and it absoltely is DECEPTIVE.. when you name something a "Truth" and you really can't, don't or can even begin to spell it as truth... and people PAID money for it.. entertainment? sure... but a product is a product, a VP of the USA shouldn't be hawking a film, and using/benefitting from his image (and soap box, for people to listen to him)... when he's not telling the truth. Completely, or even a little bit.

  6. No, I think he should be given the Nobel Prize.  Wait - they did that.

    Here are just a few of the people who agree with Gore.  Are you saying they are lying?

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

    "I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

    Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

    "Global warming is the most challenging problem our society has ever had to face up to.  Ice is the canary in the coal mine of global warming."

    Britain's chief scientist David King

    "We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late. The science is clear. The global warming debate is over."

    Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican, Governor, California

    "Our nation has both an obligation and self-interest in facing head-on the serious environmental, economic and national security threat posed by global warming."

    John McCain, Republican, Senator, Arizona

  7. no his movie is labeled as entertainment

  8. my answer is to not try to make a difference in areas like this because we are the little people and are voices and concerns are not worth a $^@$,.  The only thing we are good for is working and paying taxes!!!  And i feel sorry for anyone who thinks different!!!!

  9. i think al gore is an idiot.i actally pitty him a little he is like a small child or puppy begging for attention. but yes i think he should be sued for fraud.

  10. What's up with the American mentality of litigation? The immediate thing to think of is suing. Does that make a corrective? No. It only seeks to reprimand.

  11. lol u cite GLEN BECK as your source


    fact is all the scientists know global warming is a fact.

    they also know for a fact human activities have effected it

    you need to watch something besides fox ..

    fox news is an oxymoron

  12. Global warming my ***! I really think Al Gore has watched way too much Waterworld

  13. No, people should start listening. And one day your later generations are going to pay for your opinion.

  14. No doubt whatsoever, he should not only be sued for fraud and misrepresentation, but he should also return the Nobel Peace Prize.

  15. No.

    I think the people that purchase such "carbon credits" should be hit upside the head with something heavy.

    How is paying some third party because you're emitting things into the atmosphere which may or may not be harmful going to do any good at all?

    Let's say for the moment, that we discover that Global Warming *is*, in fact, real, and that we actually *are* warming up the planet by forcing CO2 into our atmosphere.  (That's a big stretch for me, but for the moment, let's presume that to be true).

    Please tell me how sending money to Al Gore, or anyone else, is going to somehow make it OK for me to flood the atmosphere with my CO2?  Come on!  Either it's ok for me to do that, or it's not.

    Actually, whomever came up with the carbon credits was a genius, much in the same way that PT Barnum was.  I wish I had come up with that idea.  I bet lots of environment-loving industrialists would be beating down my door to give me money so that they could feel good about themselves while continuing their behavior.

  16. Don't forget to sue most of the scientists on the planet. The data comes from them, and deniers twist it. 70% of the country would think it's a dumb question, too, becasue that's the percentage of the U.S. that agrees with climate change theory.

  17. Is he any more believable now than when he claimed that he invented the Internet; or when he was 'elected' in Florida?

  18. Gore was a journalist.  He has reported on what real climate scientists have written about in countless scientific journals over the last 30 years.  Should the scientists be sued too?

    The threat of lawsuits tend to be the last refuge for scoundrels who know they are losing.  In this case, Coleman knows there isn't any scientific evidence that would convince real climate scientists global warming isn't real. So he pulls this absolutely idiotic PR stunt to get some attention.  I love how he gives himself a clear out by saying "I'm not launching any lawsuits...".  Of course he's not launching a lawsuit, because he knows he'd be thrown out of court and made a laughingstock.

  19. hey, compare al gore to george bush. enough said. i think george bush shouldstick a nuke up his *** and enjoy it.

  20. Do I think Al Gore should be sued? No because it probably wouldn't do any good. I do thing there needs to be a very public discussion with the scientific community to absolutely settle this matter once and for all. In my opinion, all of our weather changes are just a part of the ever-changing weather cycle of Earth. Dinosaurs and woolly mammoths didn't drive gas guzzling SUVs or own and operate huge factories that emitted pollution. And you see what happened to them. Weather changes. I do like to conserve water and use less energy and recycle when I can. But not because of Global Warming. It's because (1) I think being wasteful is stupid. (2) Earth is being taken over by trash and waste, which is disgusting. I don't think we should trust a politician (hello?! All LIARS) over a meteorologist (someone who should know what they're talking about). I think Al Gore, like all politicians, just want to scare the American people in order to further line his pockets with cold, hard cash. If he was held accountable for manipulating the American people's views, every person sitting on Capitol Hill should be held accountable as well. Our opinions are always being warped by the media/politicians. It's just become a part of our life that we are forced to accept.

  21. definitely

  22. If it can be proved that his INTENT was to consciously defraud causing some financial loss to another individual or group then absolutely.

    It is not necessary, however, to prove that the United States or anyone else was in fact defrauded so long as it is established that the person acted "with intent to defraud."



    There is an experiment here in Michigan in which Western Michigan University geologists are testing their belief that Michigan's porous subsurface rock is an ideal storage space for excess carbon dioxide.

    Carbon dioxide gas is compressed to liquid form and pumped into porous rock formations (in the Gaylord area).

    WMU has received over $300,000 in federal Department of Energy grants for the project, known as carbon sequestration or carbon geo-storage. The money contributed to research at WMU's Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education on the feasibility of burying carbon dioxide in the rock to permanently get rid of excess amounts of the greenhouse gas.

  23. No, I think Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh should be held accountable bigtime for their fraudulent mischaracterization of the truth. I predict that the only thing history will remember these fat cheeked buffoons for is their misguided and intentionally ignorant monologues about global warming. Documentaries will be made in the future showing clips of these knuckledraggers lying to the public ceaselessly in their attempts to obscure reality.

  24. Sure and d**k Cheney should also be charged with war crimes.

  25. Go ahead and sue Al Gore for fraud.  Good luck.

  26. Gore personifies Fraud.

    Scientific through Voter.

  27. I think the states should apply their own brand of restrictions and not allow the government to sell these credits. I am sadden that this man does not believe in science.  We can measure the amount of toxins that are being dumped into our air and we can measure the size of the hole in our ozone. Is this all make believe?  This guy is off his nut and needs to see a psychotherapists asap.

  28. No, that's absurdly ridiculous.

    Who cares what Coleman thinks?  He was a TV weatherman with zero education in climate science.  Do you want to know what the official opinon of The Weather Channel is?  It's the opposite of Coleman's.

    Your question is "if Al Gore knows that CO2 forcing, that is, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from our fossil fuels, is not causing global warming..."

    Stop right there.  Your "if" scenario is wrong, so the question is not valid.  Gore simply presented the scientific evidence.  Virtually all climate scientists agree with the information provided in Gore's film.

    So your question should read:

    "If the founder of The Weather Channel - who has no education or research in climate science, and whose uninformed opinion is contrary to that of the Channel itself (as are the opinions of virtually all scientific experts) - thinks Al Gore is a liar, should Al Gore be sued for fraud?"

    I think you can figure out the answer to that yourself.

  29. Al Gore is not selling carbon credits.

  30. HAHA. I heard this interview. It was great. The founder of the weather channel is a global warming skeptic. Do we hear about that? No, of course not, thanks to the liberal run media. We only hear one side of the story.

  31. CO2 does trap heat better than an oxygen / nitrogen based atmosphere, it's a simple fact that is easily proven.  What is up for debate is the extent of the effect it's had and how it is impacting any climate change, if at all.

    Carbon credits however is purely a sham.

    And the supporters above need to realize that science is not truth, consensus is not science, and consensus is not truth.  The truth is not up for debate, nor can it be polled, nor can the majority determine it.

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