
Do you think Amazonas, in Brazil, should be treated as a World air sourse area?

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Do you think Amazonas, in Brazil, should be treated as a World air sourse area?




  1. Hey-

    It would be a better use of the formidable American military power than to try and secure oil using its military.

    Let's invade Brazil to save the trees.

  2. Not merely the amazonas, but all the tropical evergreen forests should be carefully protected. now, in the amazonas and elsewhere, well organized propaganda throu tv and mass media is organized in order to EXCLUDE the indigenous people who have been living there for generations, having established stable equations of renewable resource use. but this is only a cover under which global BIG BUSINESS invades the area, to pilfer the timber and other natural resources, and abstract mineral resources including oil.

    i believe these areas should be protected from incursion by big business investments, including those for "tourism" and glossy picture publicity. they should be left to the people who have lived in them all these generations and have developed native technologies that have conserved them. exchanges with them for the benefit of other humanity should be equitable and non-exploitative. no resource in them should be allowed to be the target of profit oriented enterprise.

    the case of mineral resources in Orissa is an example. big business convinces governments after beguiling them with the siren songs about 'development' and 'growth'. vast areas, the habitat of simple folk, are taken over, and desertified. the indigenous people are given doles and dehumanized. and the investors see only balances of costs and profits. they want  all of us to believe that maximizing of their profits is the best that can happen in this best of all possible worlds. foolishly, many of us believe it, because we may get a few jobs.

    Mahatma Gandhi long ago said that Nature has enough for everyone's needs, but not for a few people's greed.

  3. That would be great, not only is it needed for air purification but it plays a major role in our hydrological cycle. Unfortunately $ runs things and not peoples concerns. Developing countries either need environmental education and subsidies or we provide for them so they do not have to deforest areas for cattle or other types of agriculture needed to feed people.

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