
Do you think America's going to make a comeback?

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America seems to be falling. I'm so depressed. Do you believe we are looking at the end of our "great country?"




  1. Comeback to exactly what? They have to recover their economy from the Iraq war first. Not something that can be done in a heartbeat,  it`ll take quite some time probably.

  2. I don't think it's the end.But  = to some others country.So maybe not being the big dog,but part of the ALFA pack.

  3. Oh, no. America is too proud for such a thing. Let us see America join with the stronger, more liberal parts of the world and truly become greater.

    The evolution of the country is necessary, but it may come at a small cost of foolish identity.

  4. What makes most americans think that their country is the greatest of all? Every country has a lot to offer! The policies of your government and how George Bush has behaved over the past 7 years leave a lot to be desired. Has no one ever asked why did 9-11 happen? Have you researched the history of american CIA actions throughout the arabic world over the past 40 years? ....and not only the arabic world....look at the actions of the CIA in Chile back in the 70's!!!!.....Look at the way the U.S. Government supports Israel and how shocking is the treatment that the Palestinian people have to endure? Would you be angry if your home and property were taken forcibly off you?

    Why is America actively entering the Chinese economy now? China is the world's next big power, and America is terrified of them. The old saying goes....'What goes around comes around'

    Why does your country refuse to comply with ecological and environmental issues?

    What are the true reasons that you went to war against Saddam Hussein after you readily helped him so many years ago?!!!! Money, Oil, Power and Greed is the answer!

    Americans wake up and face reality...Read your history books for the world and not just for your country! You are on the way to a path of self destruction!

  5. According to the Bible, America is not going to be the super Country.  Check out Revelation in the Bible.

  6. Unfortunatly, no, we've fallen hard, and are falling faster gaining momentum.  The Glory Days Bruce Springsteen wrote about are over.

  7. I don't think America is going to make a comeback.  We are so tied up in this presidential election, that it seems to be putting pressure on the country.

  8. i am a proud american but changes need to be made. its been falling for years.

  9. well it depends entirety one the age group 25-45 === they have to get their act together -- get out of debt -- reduce cc usage and plan for there future --- the one that are retired (and really did not plan for it)   will have to tighten belts again and quit looking for the govt to bale them out!!!   we have to get some folks back to work and the only way we can do that is think american and buy american!!!

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