
Do you think America is going down the toilet? Flush.....?

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Do you think America is going down the toilet? Flush.....?




  1. Not in the forseeable future - but we have heard of how the old empires collapsed like pack of cards as a result of injustice.

  2. No, but if Obama wins in November, I may have to rethink my position.

  3. Yes it is and its due in large part to a weak dollar and outsourcing which can all  be traced directly back the Reagan-Bush years. Reagan in an attempt to stymie unionized hourly workers, fired striking PATCO air traffic controllers during the 1981 air traffic controller strike and that  set the ball in motion for union busting. Remember after WW2, America seen hordes of people move into the middle class and that was because of better paying jobs and labor unions.

    We rolled along until the late 1970's when Reagan ran and won the Presidency and he then proceeded to break down all that had been gained after WW2 for working class families. The union busting, the deregulations of certain industries, the savings and loans scandals of the 1980's and companies beginning to "outsource"  work  to poorer countries for cheap labor that was once done by loyal American men and women all played a part in what we see today as a weakening economy is losing its grip and more and more people are finding it harder to gain meaningful good paying jobs.

    No other president has done more harm to working class families than Reagan and the current President Bush.

    If we don't began to set aside our petty political differences, America itself will become a third world country. Early signs are beginning to show up as gas prices rise, food prices are soaring and housing woes continue in the foreclosure arena.

    Jobs are being exported overseas for cheaper labor and greed by American companies who want more money. If we have no one to buy products, then who do you sell your goods to ?

    Our infrustructure is one of the worse of any industrialized nation as is our health care system and educational systems. We better wake up and forget the nonsense and start doing the things that made/makes America great. I see China in the review mirror starting to emerge as a world economic leader so time is wasting. This it's all about me attitude is what got us into this mess and it's going to take all of us to get back to the "American Dream".

  4. With our socialist Politicians like Pelosi/Reid and the like, absolutely.

  5. Yeap it's called monotorizing your debt never a good idea Germany did it after WWI and they could by bread with a barrel of cash.

    Sweet right.

  6. Economically maybe, conservative supply side economics is catching up to us. I think once the fading generations and their fears and ways fade and the youth steer the ship the U.S. will once again be a contender with the world.

  7. right now, h**l yes. but i have to wait 'till election is over to see.

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