
Do you think America is having troubles because of the separation of church & state?

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Do you think America is having troubles because of the separation of church & state?




  1. sorry but are you from bullitt county ky? thats the only place that I have seen it spelled that way.

    yes we are having trouble because of seperation of church and state!

  2. NO

  3. get rid of all religion and no more problems. including atheist

    the best is no thought of religion. faith should be intrinsic.

  4. h**l no if anything it is helping look at the middle east they don't have seperation of church and state and look how messed up they are

  5. It always will.

  6. Nope. Its because we as a whole are not smart enough to elect a great president to lead us.

  7. no, i think it's because of the separation of the views of how church and state should be handled.

  8. Religion has no place in government. I hope I live to see a day when it is completely eradicated and does not have any influence over political policies.

  9. i don't see america having any more troubles than anyone else

  10. No.  Church and state have been separate throughout our history.

    The only "problem" are some religious fanatics who falsly call themselves "Christians" who keep trying to subvert the Constitution and use the state and public facilities like schools to force their cult doctrines down other people's throats.

    But they are not a problem.  Just a nuisance

  11. Sadly it has hurt this country and there is NO place in the Constitution that says separation of church and state.

    The anti- American Communist League Union and others have spread this lie and the judges have made it into law.

    George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Addams, Ben Franklin and the rest said that a man who runs for office in the U.S. NEEDS to believe in God and follow him or he should NOT be elected.

    However this is old history and the people now a days want to rewrite the Constitution to say what the judges have made it say.

  12. Well... the lack thereof.

  13. the first answer is so right.

    we have enough problems

  14. idk im canadian eh!

  15. well we call countries with religious governments, terrorist except Israel,

       these two must be separated at all times, religious government will make decisions on religion or will take advantage of it , both ways will be down hill for country

  16. I think America is having trouble because they are taking God out of too many things and to many people are turning their back on God! It was alot better in the schools when we had prayer instead of guns. Now the ten commandments offend people and they have to go! If you think America is having troubles now you haven't seen nothing yet just wait until it gets worse on trying to exclude God in our daily lives!

  17. I think many of our issues are due to differences between the church and state.  I wish the church half would be replaced with any and all religions, or non at all, but you can't demand that because our right to have a church is what makes us America.  It's a fine line thought.

  18. Esduds is right, the concept is actually having a positive effect on America, rather than a negative effect. If anything, it's about history; American believed in having religion combined with government, public life.. Separationists believed in separating religion, it's a moral good I suppose?

    But that's my opinion.

  19. That's the only thing holding it together

  20. Not at all. America is having troubles because it is comprised of too many people who CLAIM to be moral and religious -- but do not, in reality, behave morally at all.

    Separation of church and state is as vital now as it has ever been. The founding fathers' recognized the need for church-state separation due to valuable, painful historical lessons.  The history of the Western world was filled with an unending series of religious wars. When and wherever the church was involved with the state, horrible persecution up to and including torture and execution, was the end result.  

    Separation of church and state is not an idea that is in opposition to America's ideals at all -- it is the true essence of them.

  21. Yes.

    There are so many different religons here that people do not agree with each other..

  22. Separation of Church and State... It depends if you come from the vantage point of there being no separation or there being too much separation. There is no way to answer that. It is like asking if America is having troubles because of illegal aliens or a Republican President. Any troubles America is having are the result of a vast array of very complex issues. It can't be pinned down on one thing.

  23. A lot of people don't understand the concept of the separation of church and state.  Sure, see how the theocratic states in the world now are so messed up compared to our democratic republic. Our founding fathers realized that the head of the church should not be the head of the nation. It does not change the fact that our constitution and laws were based on Judeo Christian principals. It allows for different religions, and beliefs, but the state does not force anyone to be part of the Christian religion.  

    Unfortunately, the removal of our foundation in Christianity is undermining every aspect of our moral fabric in this country. We've lost the sanctity of life (abortion for unwanted babies), and a whole host of others.  It's sad that a few people who don't like what the U.S. is founded on, but want all the benefits that that foundation has provided us. It's too bad they can't find a better way than to destroy the best way this world has ever seen.  That's my 2 cents worth.

  24. i wish there was more of it, if bush had his way religious nutbags would run this country, they partly do already

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