
Do you think America needs Universal Health Care

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I always wondered about this since i am Canadian but I have American relatives some without heath care. I broke my arm 2 years ago and the surgery was totally free except $80 for an ambulance ride while my cousin had to pay nearly $15,000 when she broke hers in the states. If Canada can do it with 30 million people why can't America with 300 million?




  1. It would be a disaster, you would be stuck on a long waiting list for an operation, no thanks.

  2. Most definetly.  That is in my mind one of the most critical issues we face today as Americans.  We can spend billons to fight a war but when it comes to our own people we're supposed to be put on the back burner?????????  

  3. yes it does

  4. Soon we in the States will see it, at the present time there are too many that are too ignorant.  When Big Business gets on board you will see it fast tracked into reality.

  5. Of course it is . People don't want to have the few extra taxes it cost. Of course if they were the ones facing major surgery or an illness they would think differently . I know someone who is having to use an entire months paycheck just for a 1 hour medical procedure. how is he going to live the rest of the month.. who knows. What those against it don't see is this. Without healthcare, work performance suffers, more people miss work,  . More people having to go on disability for things that could easily have been treated with health coverage..then they have to go on food stamps, medicaid, medicare, low income housing.. then people complain because they pay too much in taxes for "social programs'. You either help assist someone to stay well and to be a productice member of society or  pay for them to be on disabilty, and social programs. Either way, they are paying.  People that say "I shouldn't have to pay for people who choose to eat unhealthy and get fat and sick". Well, if people didn't have to pay $1000 month for insurance or even $500 a month for medical care, they would have money for things like better food, gyms, et cetera.  Though it's true some people would still choose to live unhealthy, why should babies who have cancer and kids who have terminal illnesses or anyone have to choose between rent or medicine.

  6. We need it. Absolutely.

  7. Yes and way overdues, problem with here, the healthcare system isn't balance, example why a immigrant here never pay income tax or social security can get senior medical care free of charge.    The goverment isn't doing anything to regulating the medical bill, other counry like japan and europe, they regulate your medical bill, and limited how much doctor can make.. Do you know why European gas so high and income tax, cause they getting free medical care unlike here, in japan everyone pay medical care, but the medical treatment is very cheap example staying in hospital cost less than hotel, had you heard that in here?

  8. Yes America definitely needs it. The day is fast approaching when Corporate America (concerned primarily with profits) will have had enough of providing health care benefits.

    Some form of a hybrid private sector/public sector health care plan will eventually surface that will allow all Americans to receive basic health care coverage and for American corporations to be more competitive and profitable.

  9. I believe there are pros & cons to universal healthcare. It seems too good to be true to pull off. I believe as Americans we need to become more aware and educated of our choices regarding healthcare. If healthcare becomes "consumer-driven", the insurance companies will definitely respond and balance will come. There are options out there for those who can't get insurance, have conditions that prevent it, but options are money. Nothing is free, there is always a cost in my opinion. There is no way I believe that our doctors and surgeons will quitely agree to becoming state employees. So many things are unanswered for me.

    My opinion,


  10. one thing about Canada, unlike U.S., we dont pay as much taxes as Canada, which is also probably why Canada doesnt suffer from the high *** ******* budget deficit we do here. Hopefully, the Canadian government and the Canadian people may one day accept me as their own, because I cannot continue living in this h**l hole of a nation

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