
Do you think America needs another Stupid President?

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Obama, editor of the Harvard Law Review, top of his class

McCain graduated almost last in a class of over 800 at the Naval Academy.

Do you think America needs another stupid President who is also very elderly and is famous for his bad temper?




  1. no  

  2. More than we need an anti-American like Obama.  Did you know he has removed the American flag from the tail of his airplane.  Did you know he has altered the presidential seal, removing the shield the stands for how the president is to protect the constitution.  Both of these items he has replaced with his personal logo.  This is a sign of his disrespect and hatred for America, in my opinion, and is just another reason not to vote for him.

  3. Nope. I don't.

  4. Bush has degrees from Harvard and Yale.  If going to Harvard makes you stupid, then I guess you have some bad news for Obama.

    And how did Obama use his law degree?  He was a lawyer for two years, and tried 14 cases.

  5. I feel the puke cramping up my stomach at the thought of McMoron being president.  Have you noticed that our most successful presidents have been our most educated?

  6. This is why you liberals can't win the white house. You can't make fun of people who did not go to ivy league schools. More education doesn't mean "smarter". Especially at a left wing ivy school. Experience makes one more qualified for leadership position.  

  7. they do not need prejudice one that is over the hill time and i hate to think we'll have this one. hes not ready for nothing and martin luther king would say it also regardless of him being black he would know this is wrong.

  8. Obama is a joke.  You tell me how he plans to get all this so called "change done" when he hasn't even mentioned how.  Hmmmm.  That's all I gotta say.

    What do you know about McCain?  Exactly

  9. Good point.  We common folk could never possibly figure out how to run our own lives.  We need some elitist self appointed experts to do that for us.  

    The problem with Obama is that no matter how smart he is, he has the wrong ideas.  He clearly knows nothing about economics.

  10. I think what America doesn't need is Stupid Liberals who try to undermine congress and the presidency by playing party politics during a time of war with virtually all of your decisions over the last four years.

    Forget the Presidency. Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic controlled Congress has done far more damage to this nation in the last four years than ANYTHING President Bush has done in his entire eight year run as President.

    Do I think America needs a GOOD President with EXPERIENCE -- yes. Do I think uneducated Americans who watch more MTV and American Idol than news programs will decide this election?

    Hopefully not.

  11. The last Rhodes scholar lawyer was really a Rhodes dropout that took the money and didn't repay.  He went on to be the most corrupt President we've ever had.

    Obama=just another lying lawyer

  12. no thats why mcCain shouldnt be president

  13. America needs Bill Clinton back as president...

  14. It's not what you learn in school, it's how you use it.  Obama really hasn't done anything ever but give a speech in 2004, so he hasn't exactly shown that he can apply what he learned at Harvard now has he?

  15. Obama/Biden 08

  16. Well we certainly don't need Obama. He hangs out with terrorists such as William Ayers. Obama is the phoniest politician in history. He tells nothing but lies. He tells us all of the wrong things in the US. But he never talks about how to fix anything. He fails.

  17. We don't need a stupid president so we should all vote obama!

  18. so we should vote for someone with no experience and wasnt even elected within his own state?

    Yep sounds like a stupid president to me, no experience.

  19. OBAMA!

  20. The fact that he graduated at all from Annapolis says he's not stupid.

    And, I'd prefer a candidate with experience, rather than one that goes into the White House with pipe dreams (no pun intended) and wishes.

  21. We already had Carter and Clinton. Hope we don't make the same mistake by electing Obama

  22. Not this again. McCain is not stupid. He's a very intelligent man with an impressive record in the Senate. And if he is stupid, then I have to wonder why he has better clarity and understanding of his own ideology than Obama does.  

  23. if its the only cure we have against the wantonr and reckless socialism and draconian taxation of obama than why not?  sounds good to me.

    the answer is america needs mccain.  with obama, forrest gump said it best.  stupid is as stupid does.

  24. If we want stupid, we'll vote OBAMA !!!

  25. to answer your question    NO

    now,  fact McCain graduated at all from Annapolis says he's not stupid.

    That I can remember, most past people running for office, say what they need to to get in to office and not always say how they will do it, that's the american way. Over sell and under deliver.

    To me the problems is that McCain wants to continue Bush policies, and they have not worked.  

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