
Do you think America should have mandatory testing in school for learning disabilities for all children?

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Do you think America should have mandatory testing in school for learning disabilities for all children?




  1. Yes.

  2. No.  

    While I am not against trying to help children with learning disabilities as soon as possible, there are reasons against this.

    First, our educational system is set up to find students who have learning disabilities.   Teachers, parents, school nurses and psychologists will determine that a student has a learning disability and will take the necessary steps for the child's education from that point on.  There is not a simple multiple choice test that can be given that will determine whether or not a student has a learning disability. For a student to be determined to have a learning disability numerous man hours must be spent testing, reporting, and evaluating that student's academic skills.  For that reason, it's impractical to have every student in every school tested for a learning disability.  

    Secondly, labeling a child with a learning disability is not always helpful.  Schools provide assistance to students with learning disabilities only if they are having difficulties in class.    If a child has a learning disability, and is doing well in classes, special education services are not need for that child.  However, if we test every child first, and provide services to that child, even though he may not need it, we run the risk of limiting that child's potential.  Whether we like it or not, being labeled with a learning disability comes with a stigma.  If a child can avoid that stigma, I feel we should do as much as we can to avoid that.  By testing every child for a learning disability, we may label them unnecessarily.

  3. Personally I think it is an ideal thing to happen.  There are a lot of children lost in the system because the parents live in denial and don't want to admit that their child may have a learning disability.  With mandatory testing it can catch some learning difficulties that can be addressed.  The only thing with this testing, if the child is found to have a learning disability the school district should be obligated to provide the proper education for that child and not ignore it.

  4. yes i do but all parents want the "prefect" child and that'll cause a riot because they'll think that something was wrong with the testing

  5. I'm not sure what you mean.

    Do you mean schools should do testing on ALL students to see if they have learning disabilities?

    Well, there are different sides to this.

    First of all, the way the law is set up, schools do not have to testing for EVERY child to see if they have learning disabilities.

    But, they DO have to do testing for ALL children in schools that are SUSPECTED of having learning disabilities.

    BUT, this testing is NOT done to 'just see' if a child has learning disabilities. They do this testing to see if the child qualifies for special education services.

    If a parent doesn't agree for their child to be in special ed, then the school will not and can not do this testing.

    Even though schools are to do testing for children who they SUSPECT  having learning disabililties  , to see if they can qualify for special ed, I have NEVER heard of a school to do this.

    It is usually always the PARENT who requests this testing to be done.

    To answer your question -  I have had very horrible experiences with schools and special ed, and you can do a simple google search to find many horror stories all over the USA concerning special ed in schools.

    The main site for this info is from the top US  special education attorney himself,  Pete Wright -

    So NO, I do NOT think this testing should be mandatory in all schools. I wouldnt' let them touch my child with a 10 foot pole.

  6. No, they should test life skills.

  7. We can barely keep up with the mandatory federal time lines for testing those recommended by their teachers/parents.  If we had to test every child we'd have to have 10 times +  the number of diagnosticians.  Many children obviously do not have a learning disability so that would be a complete waste of time and resources. Any teacher or parent can request to have a child tested now.  The parent has the final word on the student being placed in special education so identifying the problem wouldn't necessarily resolve it.

  8. I do think this is going to occur, but feel that it is the parent's responsibility and choice as to if the tests are going to occur.  No matter what happens, the parents need to be seen as someone who has the best interest of their child in mind (even if some are not) and will do a better job parenting than any school ever can (again, not withstanding the idiot parents out there.)

    I don't think it should be mandatory, but strongly suggested.

  9. i don't think that any test on children shud be mandatory if there is not the means to follow them up  it all comes down to money in every country

    when do you think a child shud be tested  in UK its 6 years old and kids differ greatly at that age...

    my 20 year old son lagged quit far behind at 8 years old but by 14 had Cort up and surpassed lots of the other children as we found out he was  nearly blind in one eye his now just finishing his 3rd year at college doing very good/

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