
Do you think America should let other countries handle the situation in Iran?

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The UN pressures us to offer up our military and financial assistance, but then many of the member countries criticize us for military action and pressures us to leave before we get the job done. Look what happened in Somalia and in the first Gulf War! Now, the UN will probably ask us to bomb Iran after much discussion and fancy dinners etc.... I think we should say no! What do you think?




  1. we will end up financing and arming Israel for the fight, and they will go right through them like c**p through a goose

  2. I suspect that whatever needs to be done, America will end up doing it.

    The other countries seem to be OK with the influx of radical Islam into their societies.

  3. Every nuclear states need to come together and gang-bang Iran before its too late.

  4. If we leave Iran will invade Iraq and take over then we'll have an even bigger problem on our hands.

    We are arming Iraq's military and teaching them how to fight American style so I don't think handing them over to that sadistic %#$*  in Iran is a good idea.

    What we need to do is end 'Rules of Engagement' and bomb the terroritst training camps straight to h**l and offer a $1,000.00 reward to anyone in Iraq to help us seek and destroy the enemy.

    We need to get the media out of there along with the politicians and let the Generals make the decisions.

    And most of all, we need to end Political Correctness because it has no place in war and if we don't then more innocent people will die and the enemy will eventually win.

    We need to fight this war and we need to win this war because the only thing that Patriotic Americans back out of is a parking lot.

    Did you hear that Bush?

  5. Yes, America should probably let other countries handle the situation in Iran.  At least, until we finish cleaning up Iraq and Afghanistan.  Our military is stretched too thin as it is.

  6. If it looked like those "other countries" would do anything, yes that would be good at this time.

  7. Other countries are already contributing to the situation in Iran; ever heard of the Bilderberg Group?

  8. The UN is irrelevant and an over-bloated bureaucracy. I think they should pack up the UN and send it over to europe, let the EU pay the bills. Once Americans stop paying the bills, the other nations of the world will have to step up, or get out of the way. I'd like to see some of these billions invested in this country.

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