
Do you think American voters know what they're doing?

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I get afraid at times thinking to myself that some Americans don't really "know" who they are voting for.

Everybody thinks Palin is great but what most people do not know is that Sarah has been involved in all types of scandals involving crude oil...

Have you researched who you are voting for?




  1. I have and that is why i will never vote jobama.

  2. Most Americans don't know what they're doing. How else would someone like G.W. Bush get into office.  Most people follow their emotions and don't worry about the facts when voting.

    I am voting for Obama. I see no other choice. I would vote Green Party or Socialist but that would be throwing away my vote. This year the republicans have to be tossed from the White House before they finally bankrupt the country or start WWIII.    

  3. Have you not watched the news or read a newspaper in the last 18 months. How many d**n scandals has Obama been a part of? Give me a break!

  4. Use your favorite search engine and type

    Mayor Palin bans library books

  5. Obama has had his fair share of scandals for someone who has been in the public eye for such a short period of time.

    And as far as people a politician is aligned with being involved in scandals, google the following two names and see what you come up with:

    Ted Kennedy

    Louis Farrakhan

  6. It's wild because a lot of Black people are voting for Obama because he's Black so I'm sure women will vote for Palin because she's a woman.  After a decade of our countries decay how can you continue to vote for the same decay is the problem.  

  7. Obama gonna win becuz majority people wanted changes.  I want my 2 Tax Rebate cuz thats wat he promise to give American.  But i prefer McCain

  8. So has Obama.  If you really researched that guy you would find out that its scary that he has gotten as far as he has.  In fact his total resume for the President is less than one year in Senate.  

  9. You think that they think that she is great, because you saw her tonight in font of  a crowd who were all Republicans with specific instructions to act insanely excited about her.

    Even the media is on their best behavior to not tear her up and look bias.

    AND..she was given a prepared speech designed specifically to make her look good by the best minds on Madison Avenue.

    Even with all of that...she did NOT captivate the crowd, and on her own ...she just is not going to have what it takes.

    The problem will be...Republicans will put up with anyone who says "tax cut".

  10. Yes, I do think American voters know. We can not afford another 4 years of the same if we have a 400 Billion dollar deficit today ,what will it be in 4 more years???? Then today Bush gives 1 Billion dollars to Georgia. What to HECK is that we have homeless people here in America “Charity begins at home” we have elderly eating pet food because they can not afford food, they are also not able to heat their homes because oil is $3.65 - $4.55 a gal. I know that I am weighing out everything and John Mc cain is to close to Bush and there fore I will vote for Barack Obama.

  11. Palin did this. Palin did that.  Typical political BS.  Americans do not know who they are voting for until it is too late and their choice is in the White House s******g up the nation.  

  12. No. I would be fearful of electing a politician deeply rooted in left-wing ideology, liberation theology, and Marxism, especially one who is a great orator.

    Voters Beware.

  13. There are so many issues much of the American public doesn't even know are issues. They try, but the issues are so global that they defy simple explanation and who has time to go in depth on these? So people hinge their votes on things like g*y marriage. I understand it's important to some people and I get why it's an issue that seems pivotal...equal protections for all vs possible devaluation of the definition of marriage and the familial unit. But then compare it to millions of people starving because petroleum products aren't readily available for a country to use for fuel and nitrogen to fertilize our crops and it doesn't compare. When millions are starving, war for oil won't seem so far fetched and g*y marriage or oil scandals....well it just doesn't matter much anymore. This is one of hundreds of issues that roll across a senator and presidents desk. But try working that into a "America, better than the way we found it"speech sometime...

  14. Welcome to democracy, where your well-being rests upon the vote of another.

    I have done my research thoroughly, and I am thoroughly disappointed in both candidates.  

    McCain had my influence until he decided to pander to the religious right,  use smear tactics, and choose Palin as VP.

  15. by the way, here is part of the story on the oil thing.

    read the comments at the bottom from people in Alaska too

  16. Senator/War Hero & Governor/Former Mayor/Hockey Mom


    Senator "Present"/Community Organizer/Abortionist & Multiple Offense Bigot.

    yeah, we know what we're doing.

  17. Please enlight me about all the scandals.  Scandals: Talk that is damaging to one's character; malicious gossip.

  18. I think I know what I'm doing.  I researched the candidates a little.  I thought the 90min. specials about McCain and Obama that CNN ran were very informative.  I think most people are relying on what other people tell them about the candidates rather than doing the research themselves, though.

  19. No,we dont know what were doing...

    Just you....

    Your like Einstien or something, but on a higher level...

    Your intellect knows no bounds...Except the brick wall you keep walking into...

  20. Ohhh is that the latest skinny and low down on Sarah? Did you hear this from your manicurist? Well i heard Sarah has been involved in major scandals with big oil.  ------------Wheres your research and links ?  What i thought you dont have any do ya ?  Whens your next hair appointment so we can get the real scoop and latest gossip news?

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