
Do you think American war in Iraq and Afganisthan make any sense?

by Guest55855  |  earlier

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No one has explained to American or the people of the world what America is doing in the middle east? They, American politicians think they will win the war, what is there to win? How can you win, something when there is nothing to win????




  1. Here's the real reason for US military involvement: oil and gas pipelines.  Note the date at the top of the article:

    Another reason: opium.

    Iraq was all about oil, they have loads of it.  Also, the US has arranged for the 1948 oil pipeline to be re-opened and the oil will be sent to Haifa, Israel.

    Saddam Hussein sealed his fate when he started to trade his bourse in Euros, rather than US dollars.

  2. Yes. And yes, it's been explained countless times.

  3. WE had a real reason to attack Afghanistan because they attack first and posed a threat to America. but as far as iraq i think the only reason we are there is to control the oil supply there, sort of. the war in iraq is confusing and if you ask your going to hear alot of reasons why but don't forget that it was Afghanistan that attacked us. not iraq

  4. There really isnt anything to win. Seriously, there are worse things out there that should be fought innocent children who are getting raped in certain countries and being sold as s*x slaves. Thats something to fight over.

  5. Yes it is worth it.

  6. This morning I got a flat tire and I believe it was a result of President Bush. That's right let's blame the evil politicians for everything that is wrong since it's easier to do that than post a valid argument on this board. I got it let's try the policy of containment in a global economy. Keep the troops home and don't worry about anything else in the world. I got a good explanation of what America is doing in the Middle East when I took a tour of Afghanistan. Allow me to say that killing women and children was not on the agenda for the military over there. We destroyed the infrastructure of two countries during the invasions. Afghanistan was just rebuilding from the war with the Soviets when US planes leveled most of the buildings in the country. Iraq was a thriving nation with a strong economy and now people are struggling for electricity because the power plants and lines were destroyed. Great idea let's leave both these countries I'm sure nothing bad will happen. Lots of angry individuals who had their country destroyed are not the target demographic for a radical cleric to convince that America is the devil. Everyone will just enjoy a Golden Age where the Taliban is not in power and Saddam Hussein and his two kids are gone. That's not the way things would work out I'm sorry to tell you. Fledgling governments would collapse and the old regimes would assume power again. Now you got a lot of angry individuals and those in power aren't too keen on the US. While Osama Bin Laden wouldn't be likely to pull up to DC with a fleet of carriers and planes to begin a full scale invasion chances are you would see retaliations.

    After you finish ranting about how we should not rebuild the places that we leveled go ask someone who's been overseas what is going on. The picture you get may be a tad different from what you think.

  7. SAD

  8. No, it makes no sense at all.

  9. It makes sense to the bad guys who manipulated it, the guys who own our banking system Jacob Rothschild family, Rockefeller's, James Baker III, because they own big oil and have made big bucks out of the war. Manipulating oil prices up is how bad guys'steal in many other ways also, metals, interest rates. Its all about stealing money and making the super rich richer. This world will always be incredibly evil until the US banking system is taken from the cold dead hands of the bad guys who own it, Rothschild's,Rockefeller's ect.  

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