
Do you think Americans do enough to help the poor? Explain your answer?

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Do you think Americans do enough to help the poor? Explain your answer?




  1. no i mean there are some ppl who do everything they can but for every one of those ppl there are 500 that dont do anything and ppl are so shelfish i mean some ppl in this world dont have anything clean out your closet and donate the sstuff to chearidy

  2. yes! We help those who want to help themselves, the rest don't even deserve to be helped! because no matter what you do for them they will find their way back on the streets!



  4. Yes, both by choice and by force. Americans pay taxes. a large part of those taxes go towards welfare, government housing, medicaid, and numerous other programs dedicated to helping the poor. There are also hundreds of non profit private organizations that have been collecting money food and clothes for years to give to the poor.

    But the responsibility of the poor is not only in the hands of the American is also in the hands of the poor themselves. Other people can only help so much.

  5. 1st, to the idiot above me, taxes do nothing for the homeless. Most shelters are run off donations. The only way taxes are ever involved is if a local region actions a tax levy.

    2nd, no, we don't. Millions are homeless in this country, and we're spending trillions on fighting a 3rd world country. Millions of children are in children's homes for not having a family, or because they have no home, but we have to spend our money cleaning up a tsunami. While I do think we owe aid to other countries, we need to take care of those at home first.

  6. Yes, excessively high confiscatory taxes.  Which really do not help the poor.  It only continues to keep them poor and victimized by the elected officials.

  7. I don't think he poor do enough to help themselves. I grew up dirt poor and i decided I did not like it. I stayed in school stayed away from drugs and gangs, joined the US Marines, and now I`m a cop. I had apportunities and I took them and I had a choice to stay poor or do somthing about it. I do help the less fortunate, the ones who are sick, handicapped, etc. but we all have a choice of what to do and what we want to be, you just have to want it bad anough.

  8. yes out taxes take pretty good care of them

  9. This is a tricky question, only in that if you were to get you answer by only thinking of the $ that goes to helping, as opposed to what each of us as individuals do to help.

    As individuals I think many of us can do more.

    Sadly what seems to be the most prevalent way of thinking is, "I don't have to, cuz someone else already did, or already will"...or how much can one person do that REALLY makes a diff?

    It is also funny how were you to ask the people who already do their share, they will tell you, at least most of them, that the feeling you get when you realize you have made a dif does for you as a person, in your heart.

    Helping others, can do wonders for those who are asking themselves what their purpose in life is.  Can also help you to appreciate what you do have, what you can do, and how blessed you really are.

  10. We've spent 6.5 trillion on the War on Poverty, and Americans donate billions and billions each year, so we're definately giving enough money.

    America is among the first to respond to disasters worldwide.

    Government welfare services just have to remebmer this:

    Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.

  11. Yes.  Helping others is a personal thing, not a requirement.

  12. It seems to be well known that our nation is the most generous nation in the world.  Our taxes help a lot, and folks who volunteer their services are another example, and folks give thru their churches, the Red Cross, United Fund, and ad infinitum

  13. I think we could all do more(including the poor themselves) however, I don't feel it is the governments job to do what society should do. We aren't a socialist nation, God forbid we become one or we'll all be poor.

  14. Why should we help people that refuse to help themselves?  I'm crippled, I have t walk with a cane,  My hands don't work very well in fact, it's all I can do to type on this SOB computer but I still work for a living.  It might not make me rich but I feel better about myself for it.

  15. I don't think Americans do enough to help the poor considering we have a lot of people who go hungry every night and some people with no home. There are way to many people who are poor so America doesn't help it's own poor. We send more money to poorer countries than our own poor people.

  16. the us gave to the un last year 250,000,000 the largess donore we then gave total to other aid with the us govt and people last year over 600 billion.

    Yes we do more than anyone other nation. We do it with no pushing or proding. It is part of our nature.

    we have hud and welfare and low income programs for free food for poor kids and preg moms the wic programs. we try.

  17. I guess it would depend on whom you are refering to.  Domestic poor, than yes...absolutely.  International Working Poor, no...not enough.

  18. I think the middle-class Americans go out of their way to help poor people.

  19. NO... I FEEL THAT ALL OF OUR SELFSIHNESS TO GET MORE allows us no feeling of compassion for the poor. In our own worlds we all feel like we need more money....that we too are poor.............i think about giving away to help then turn to my own family and find something else we just HAVE to have and then feel guilty...........poor included

  20. The US out contributes the rest of the world combined. Isn't that enough?

  21. no i dont were selfish if we give some thing its barley any thing and were happy because we gave some thing

  22. In that we don't have people dying in the streets from starvation,yes we do.

    And before the comments come,yes,there have been homeless who have died of exposure;and who had also refused to utilize shelters available to them.

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