
Do you think Americans generally improved their geography over the last 7 years with GWB at the helm?

by Guest63279  |  earlier

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what a price to pay for a good education.




  1. I'm not sure what you mean by "geography . . ."  If your question is have Americans improved their international standing the past seven years . . . the answer is I don't know . . . At this point I'm assuming no . . .  

  2. well, we control a bit more geography in Iraq than we did 7 years ago, but that is just temporary

  3. Well, since McCain thinks that Pakistan borders iraq, I would have to say "no."

  4. Do you walk to school or carry your lunch..Re-read your words, they mean nothing.

    Did you think you had point or did you just outsmart yourself by trying to be too clever

  5. Many families have learned to find place names in Iraq and Afghanistan that their loved ones came home from in plain pine boxes wrapped in a flag.

  6. Hate to admit it but probably not as much as you'd expect. Heck, still remember one lady from California that thought  New Hampshire was a suburb of Boston. As to your point since we do not have a draft the conflicts are not on the forefront of many individuals minds.

  7. Of course! I think the rest of the world as well.

  8. Why do we have to know were this or that country is in this world I have no idea were my bank keeps my money nor do i care You well say ''to better understand them'' B/S I live in the E U and Asia They do not have any real understanding of Americans and yet that is ALL they talk about read about

  9. looooooooooooooooooooooooooool Absolutely!!! It is a sad joke!;-(

  10. Can you restate your question please?

  11. Yes he did, and it was unfortunate that previous presidents refused to acknowledge that there was a problem there. If Carter hadn't bungled our relationship with Iran, the terrorist attacks would be aimed at Russia and China, instead of us.

    If Clinton would have done anything, besides bombing a diaper factory after the 7th time we were attacked under his watch, then the Towers wouldn't have been hit.

    Now, because of all this, the American people are aware that there are a lot of bad people out there that hate us just because we are us. Hopefully, there are instructors teaching children that Russia hasn't changed, and that China still abuses it's people.

    I also hope that teachers use these times to show children what tyranny really is, and why we shouldn't take our freedom for granted.

  12. ... No. Most people still couldn't point out Iraq on a map. Or the Sudan. Or Georgia.

  13. Geography? Do you mean their understanding where world countries are? Education begins at home!

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