
Do you think Anne Boleyn shouldn't of had her head cut off?

by  |  earlier

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But henry tore the country apart for her




  1. Yes, she shouldn't have had her head cut off.  I think it was an egoistical move from Henry VIII.  Maybe he was nuts, but what's up with no one else calling it like it really should have been?  Relatives, friends, anyone?

  2. No. Basically, Anne's trial & execution were preformed so that Henry VIII could be rid of her to marry Jane Seymour (in fact, Jane & Henry became engaged the day AFTER Anne's execution.) Besides that, here are some of the charges against Anne - you will see why they aren't the least bit credible:

    1. Incest - She was accused by her own sister-in-law of sleeping with her brother. It was well known that the sister-in-law (her name was Jane, last name escapes me) was horribly jealous of Anne.

    2. Adultery - one of the men who she was accused of sleeping with was horribly beaten & tortured in order to elicit a "confession."

    Anne most definitely was NOT a good person - she was cold, selfish & calculating, but she didn't deserve to be beheaded. This shows you how Henry VIII's mental bonds were deteriorating at this point (some believe his madness was caused by syphilis.)

  3. Henry was such a buffoon, he started a religion and made himself the head of it. If he had made divorce legal in that religion then he could have divorced Anne Boleyn rather than kill her.

  4. No, it was barbaric.

  5. No.

    The execution of Anne Boleyn was just a judicial murder carried out by Henry the Eight's lacky's.

  6. Why should she have had it cut off? Even if she had been guilty of adultery - so you think this is deserving of death?

    Henry VIII just got rid of her so he could have a son and Anne Boleyn had many miscarriages - he lost interest and set his sights on Jane Seymour. He accused her of Witchcraft among other things.

    It depends what you mean asking the question. Did she deserve it? No! Does anything?

    Would it have had better effects if she had survived? I don't know. If she had bore a son, Elizabeth I would never have reigned (we might have fared much worse with the Spanish Armada)... James I would never have come to power and there probably wouldn't have been a Civil War... better or worse?  

  7. I think he could have exiled her. But Henry had his eye on another woman already and wanted a male heir.

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