
Do you think Arod's filthy life style makes him more prone to STDs ?

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bosoxnation - youre the one who hasta grow up you effin fool. you are coming from new york and new to baseball and pick the boston red sox as a team because they won the world series last year. youre nothing more than a bandwagon effin jackass




  1. He's tested positive for Herpes and Gonorhea.

  2. haha i bet especially since he has had all those affairs with those strippers lol.  

  3. You could ask that question about many, many pro players...from the Rookie Leagues to the Majors. They have the rockstar lifestyle - if they wish - with this seven-month national tour.

  4. Gee, all this TMZ-inspired sleazemongering and false moralizing is really, really interesting.  But, um, what in Sam Hill does it have to do with BASEBALL?

    Sign me up for I don't care.

  5. As long as he's performing on the field, he can do whatever he wants in his personal life. That's his problem, not mine.

  6. wtf thats not even true it called media and they make stars seem dum so shut up this is coming from a bosox fan so grow up. Its hard to be one of them you can be with a girl and suddenly there in the paper arods new babe lol its not fair wat if they were hanging!

  7. 1) Who are we to judge whether he has a "filthy" lifestyle? You don't know him and neither do most of us. Judging a person based strictly on tabloid reports from rags like the New York Post and the (once respectable) Daily News is impossible. None of us knew what went on in the Rodriguez househould except for him and his wife.

    2) I really don't care. Look, I get how people love to dig into celebrities' lifestyles, what they do, who they see, etc. But in the end, this is a baseball forum, not a celebrity lifestyle forum. I could care less if A-Rod is out getting down with stripper or if David Ortiz managed to have a threesome with two Harvard students. I want to talk baseball and baseball only here. Save this other stuff for Star magazine.

  8. no hes rich enough to buy good condoms.  

  9. You are reading too many tabloids.

  10. i have lost the respect that i had for A-Rod.

  11. Are you filthy, too?

  12. My god, lady, where do YOU live? Filthy? By whose standards? Even Jimmy Swaggart is dirty compared to him. By the way, this matters to baseball because. . .

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