
Do you think Arod is too good for the yankees?

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Do you think Arod is too good for the yankees?




  1.    You got that backwards......10 yrs. and the possibility of breaking

    the All-Time Home Run Record (without an * added for steroids , even if its only in our mind)

       Now that will be bringing some much needed

    MoJo for the new stadium , Call it the House that A-Rod helped build!

    but most important it brings the Babe's former record back to NYC and The Yankees !

    That's why they'll deserve each other.!

  2. The way he played against the BoSox the other night?

    Uh, no. He's not good enough for the Yankees.

  3. I just don't think the Yankees is a right fit for him. the 10 yr contract to me is a mistake.

  4. Nope. Look at what he's done in the 9th lately, pretty sad the best player in baseball can't produce in the clutch.

  5. Arod cant handle NY Pressure and never will be able too

  6. yes, they treat him like c**p, he doesn't belong in a place with high expectations because they blame him for everything wrong the Yankees have done this year.

  7. I think that Yankee fans need to be more sympathetic to you know how many teams would love Arod to hit forty to fifty homeruns a season for them even though they didn't produce in the playoffs. And by the way...I know Jeter is loyal and has produced for the Yanks...but does anyone know what he hit in last years playoffs??? .176 and I don't see fans booing him!

  8. when there is a player 2 good for any team that will be the end of MLB...Lets say that the Yankees are a team that's expected to be in the playoffs all the time and Yankee fans wont settle for less with the money that's being spent for them..Since that 2004 collapse they just haven't been the same usual competitive team, but hopefully they wont slide any the Phillies did from 1994 to 2005

  9. i think he is overrated

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