
Do you think Arther Scargill did the right thing and do you think it could happen?

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again with a different Industry.




  1. Arthur Scargill was another mis-guided fool from the extreme left who tangled with the wrong person and got beat. Trouble is, he took down whole communities at the same time just to satisfy his own ego.

  2. What exactly did Arthur Scargill do except sell out his comrades at the last moment.

    You will be putting Niel Kinnock up for sainthood next (for services rendered also to the miners).

    For Heavens sake read some proper social history, not something churned out by a Thatcherite.

  3. For all those of you who think the unions were great and thatcher bad, remember the winter of discontent. Rubbish left uncollected, (now labour policy), leading to an upsurge in the rat population. The grave diggers on strike, meaning you were not allowed to bury your dead granny by order of the brothers. Power cuts in the middle of winter, meaning your granny could die of cold (but could not be buried). The miners, railways, steel workers, ship builders, British Leyland and many others on strike. Got the picture?

  4. What other industries are there left to be destroyed? The Unions could have stopped the influx of cheap foreign labour by creating closed shops. The fact that what little is left of British industry is run by cheap labour shows how powerless they are.

  5. Just thought I'd get in before this place is rammed with chinless, spineless anti-union tory ar*eholes...

    Yep and I can see it happening across more than just one industry at the same time. That was one of the 1984 strike's weaknesses.

  6. What he prophesied, has happened. Simple.

    We have had no investment in the manufacturing industry in this country since the 70's.

    So we are up s**t creek without a paddle.

    And boy, are you youngsters going to know what it is like to live in poverty! And if that doesn't make you wake up I don't know what will!!!

  7. Arther Scargill took on a very formidable opponent and lost. Unfortunately today Britain has only Gordon Brown who would be a pushover for the likes of Scargill

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