
Do you think Australia is partially to blame for 9/11?

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  1. Give me a break.

    Does that person realize how many people of the Muslim faith LIVE in the US? Gosh...let us start with Muhammed Ali. Does that mean the former heavyweight champ should be deported...

    You cannot blame a religion for idiots and mad men twisting words to something they were never meant to be used for. Good God, how many Christians have twisted the Bible to suit their own needs..does the name Adolf Hitler ring a bell?

    Sigh. Sorry if I'm ranting..but ya know a Canadian I am tired of some of my southern neighbours blaming murder on everyone but those responsible. 9/11 was the result of an insane ego maniac who gets his jollies from scaring people. That idiot really does not practice the religion he claims to practice..for it IS one of peace. Until some idiot twists it..

  2. Oh goodness! Did I LAUGH when I read that link!! I'm not sure what tickled me more...the pure ignorance of the question, or the patriotic Australian that answered it!!

    I think the only people to blame for 9/11 are the actual terrorists that organised and carried out the attacks. I mean the American government has a history of not handling foreign relations with intelligence, and perhaps their security amidst the unrest of the time was a little lax...but hey, Madrid and London have also been attacked since, so I think it is just a reflection of the pure hatred these extremists have for the rest of us freedom loving folk!

    Sorry, still giggling at that question!! hehehe

  3. No, blaming each other gets you know where.All they do is talk about it and do nothing  to make sure it does not happen again anywhere. The US is not perfect or  even close to it. Every country should take action and see that their people are safe and not afraid to walk around and live their lives the way they should.That day was the worst ever, i will always remember and watch for anything that is suspicious and report it to someone who cares, i hope that they will take the time and effort to look into it.Every man and woman should care and do what ever it takes to make sure this never happens again.

    Great qouestion, STAR

  4. No,  only America is to blame for 9/11 with their intolerable Foreign Policy that includes invading and interfering in other countries, monetary manipulation of the currencies of other countries and exporting their appalling indecent culture to other countries. No wonder people from other countries despise the US.

  5. Hmm. Maybe !

  6. No nice try though its about time America accepted  responsibility for its actions theres a saying every action brings about a reaction so why was USA the country targeted like this in the first place.

  7. Maybe not.  Every country must have its security details in place.  And while everyone works for the best for everyone else, accidents happen.  That we must learn to accept.  We can only move on and keep working for the best.

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