
Do you think Avatar the last airbender will be returning for another season?

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Do you think Avatar the last airbender will be returning for another season?




  1. Yeah avatar is over. :(... But there are going to be 3 live action movies! 1 for each season of avatar!!!! And I have heard there may be a possibility of a avatar mini-series and 3 more hour long movies on Nick!

  2. I believe that the last season is the Book of Fire but there will be films.

    I included a site where you could read about it. ( Go to Feature film adaptation )

  3. no, i wish with all my might, but the all the seasons were based around Ang getting ready for the big fight with the fireloard, and now that that over i dont think they have another reason to keep it showing!

    But the end kept you wanting more and expecting more.

    Like with Zuko's  mom, i was hopping he would find her.

    But of course, many questions were left unanswered.

  4. no b/c at the end of sozin's comet it said the end

  5. Even though the movie was the finale. too many loose ends where left.  I think nick has seen the rating boon another season of Avatar could be.  Personally i would love to see another season.  There aren't too many shows my kids and I can watch and really enjoy together.

  6. No, because they already showed a season finale on Nick.

    The movie was the finale.

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