
Do you think Barack Obama will be assasinated? If so how do you think America will respond to his assasination

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Do you think Barack Obama will be assassinated if he is elected president? There are alot of people who don't like the idea of having a black president. Already, one man in Florida was arrested for threatening to assasinate Obama.

If you believe Obama will be assasinated, how do you think America will respond to his assasination? Do you think there will be racial tension and riots as when Martin Luther King was killed?




  1. I heard about that man in Fla, he also wanted to assassinate GWB too. Point is, Obama is taking a risk and he and his family knows that. Just bc many whites are on board doesn't mean there isn't a crazy loon running around with a rifle. Idk how america would respond, there would probably be some kind of a riot if that did occur. Id just hope that everyone would realize that not all whites are terrible ppl just bc one bad apple disagreed and went to the extremes.Anyways anything is possible. After hearing about what that guy in canada did to that guys head on the greyhound for no reason, I think any monster could be plotting to kill obama.

  2. A second man was arrested for threatening Obama today in  N.C. I thought that people were over that old medieval racism and hate.

  3. Yeah I think it's a possibility and I was afraid for his life that I even started hoping he wouldn't win. There are some people out there that would not like to see him win simply based on race. I don't think that this country could withstand another race outbreak it would virtually erase pretty much all the progress done to get to this point. I hope that this will not be the case but from the things i've been hearing like kkk membership increasing because of his possible election it is scary. If something bad happened I would move somewhere else, wherever because I will have lost all faith in the idea of America, land of the free so called leader of democracy, and all the other things that's supposed to make this a great place. Let's hope theres no fact in our fear.

  4. I don't think he will be assassinated.

  5. Daaaayyyuuummmmnnnn hope it doesn't happen, but even an unsuccessful attempt will throw the people into turmoil... hopefully Obama is like MLKJ and forgives any racially motivated crime... we need a strong leader who can hold fast to the idea that we are one nation, under God or not, and that we can be united.  

  6. Man I hope not.

    If he is, knock on wood, there will probably be a ton of commotion. hopefully no one will. Even if you don't want him to be president, you have to admit he's a nice guy and he has two young daughters.

  7. its a good chance! people shot at regan and kennedy b/c they didnt support their beliefs. never in the history of america, have we had a "non-white" president. religious people and racists are gonna have a fiel day if he gets elected. if he gets shot and killed, i think america will have our hands full. he is a muslim, and i dont think we want to pi$$ anymore muslims off (no offense) i really cant say that i like him or not, b/c i dont keep up with that presidential stuff. i dont vote. but, whoever is elected, i just hope they will do their job, and do it right. and i hope nobody gets shot too

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