
Do you think Ben Cousins will take this opportunity to fix his health?

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Ben Cousins was sacked yesterday for possessing a illegal drug.




  1. Look I'm pretty sure he does not want to be this way.

    He has depression and thats no easy thing to just get over.

    I really wish him all the best but it will take a very long time.

  2. nope he will go back to his friends and start it all again

  3. No. I think he will use the lack of having to train or play as an opportunity to have more fun.

  4. For all the public know, Ben maybe under a doctor in Perth for "Using".

    Where in Australia could Ben have rehab that is streamlined to meet his needs, which as a high profile person needing sanctuary as well as treatment.

    His referrel would not be ''Out the back of Bourke" but somewhere that he can be partly anonymous. And yes, he is going overseas shortly for treatment, as has been mentioned on radio for a few days.

    America and Europe would be at the forefront when it comes to rehab, as opposed to Australia.

  5. no he will just party

    american style

  6. I always thought you had to reach rock bottom before there was any chance of being cured of substance abuse and he looks a long way from that point. I think he has accepted treatment in America because the place he is going to is just a luxury holiday resort, where he might even mingle with the rich and famous. Call me cynical but I'll believe it when it happens. Sorry.

  7. I don't think he has the necessary amount of brain cells left to make a halfway smart choice like that.

  8. I doubt here will take the opportunity to get better, I think he lapping up the attention on him. Because everyone feeling sorry for him.  Why would you change when you get everyone  eating out of your palm!

  9. Hmm Cutemum2, I dunno about him having depression - its news to me.

    Come on, if he was charged with drug possession then it would have to have been more than just an anti-depressant (even if it was without prescription).  He refused a drug test, so that pretty much proves his guilt.

    Ben is going back to Miami for rehab.  I'm sure his family and friends want to see Ben health again and will do everything they can to help him.  I hope he gets rid of his drop kick friends and finds some purpose in his life.  Drugs is not the answer.

  10. The illegal drug was Valium - not illegal if you have a prescription and it hasn't come out if it was prescribed to him or not.  So...we don't really know if Ben has relapsed or not.  He was also always going to go back to rehab at the end of the footy season to continue with treatment in the US - this is not something new since he was arrested.  However, who knows if he will ever get better.  It must be incredibly tempting, now that he has lost this fantastic career and lost a very lucrative income, to just throw it all in and enjoy the party life without any restrictions by a football club.  Sure, he will probably always be in the media, but not to the same extent as he was when he was a football playing legend.  I hope he gets better, but I think once you are an addict you are so for life and it's a lifetime battle to prevent a relapse.  I don't envy him at all.

  11. not illegal drug,PROHIBITED and not Valium it was DIAZAPAN similar to valium and yes he will take the opportunity to fix hishealth.And the Viagra thing is here say.He probably did have it with him though.Are any of you guys from Perth?Of coarse he is in over his head with underworld figures.Mr Kizon ring a bell,plus others.Of coarse he is dealing too,he isn't exactly gonna start dropping names now is he.He'd end up in a body bag............

  12. Ben Cousins already underwent drug rehabilitation earlier this year, so this latest setback in his footy career wouldn't mean he'll go clean.

    He's had many opportunities and support from friends and family in the past, but that wasn't enough to motivate him.

    I think he needs intense counselling to kick the drug habit.

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