
Do you think Big Brother has gone to far and is no longer people living in a house for entertainment, but....?

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...Is just every chav and lowlife moron acting up on public television to get 15 minutes of fame?




  1. I totally agree. I hate big brother because it is stupid and what is the point to it? And also the person that wins becomes so famous and gets a massive amount of money for what??!! Sitting in a house!? That money should go to the poor or something. No Offense.

  2. Big brother is like WWF .... and we all know that the WWF is for real....right??? ;-)

    TV ratings~~

  3. On the Australian big brother it's actually a very entertaining show.

  4. Thats true but is it really big brother's fault?  People have a choice to ridicule themselves on television, a few years ago there was george,he was like a posh young guy and he walked out early because he realised that type of behaviour was against his lifestyle and he left before he could ruin himself.  The others just carry on, so if people are prepared to do that on/off TV, why should BB stop it, its entertaining for us aswell.

    Its not as if they are forced, BB just give tem what they want.

    To your response:  Its still not BB's fault becuase these people have to exist for there to be a show, any self respecting person doesnt just wake up and say ok....big brother is setting up auditions Im going to degrade myself.  Big brother knows there are people like this and gives them more attention, BB doesnt make people into who they are!

  5. Yes! It started out as a brilliant fascinating study of human nature. They dont even have the "on the couch" program anymore, where the shrinks and body language experts gave their views and opinions. Now I think the researchers just concentrate on young good looking people in the hope of some s*x or bare t1ts!

  6. Big brother is just big t.v executives cashing in on the stupidity and hunger of lower class peoples desire to have a better life. coming from a lower class background myself i would not be seen dead on big brother. if you want to be successful  you have to work for it not act like a t*t national telly.

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