
Do you think Big Papi is going to be better next year on the Red Sox?

by Guest60541  |  earlier

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Do you think Big Papi is going to be better next year on the Red Sox?




  1. Not unless they get a power hitter to hit behind him.

  2. More than likely no, he has no protection in his line-up any longer and is only getting older, he is starting to get the naggin type injuries that never go away.

  3. yeah i think so. i think he'll be better in september and october because the lineup will come around. big papi will be back to his old self next year. watch out rays and yankees!

  4. Probably, he'll be recovered from his wrist injury by then (hopefully).

    However, they need someone to step up and produce behind him because without Manny, he isn't gonna get a lot of good pitches to hit anymore.

  5. YEAH

  6. He'll probably act like Manny by falling apart and can't hit like Andrew Jones did.

  7. NO! Without Manny, Ortiz is just another aging, slow, overweight, can't play a position, DH.

    The scum of the earth. DH's. What a laugh.


  8. We all thought Travis Hafner would be much better this year after slumping last year but it wasn't so. Only time will tell for Ortiz.

    There's still a lot of time for Ortiz to break out of the mental funk that he's in now.

  9. Not unless the Sox get Manny back from the free agency -- which, of course, will not happen.

  10. yup

  11. I do because he should be hitting clean up now that manny's gone so he should have more on base for him to drive in. I just hope he stays healthy because i'm a yankees fan and I still like to see him play. He's that good

  12. All I do know is this, he will be older.

  13. unfourtunately no.he can be good without manny but never better.

  14. Nope. He's now injury prone and doesn't have Manny in back of him anymore. Until he has a cleanup hitter that can come close to replicating what Manny gave the Red Sox, I think Ortiz is going to struggle. And I'm not saying that just because I'm a Yankees fan.  

  15. yes i do believe he will.

    one thing, his hand has been kicking in pain again. \

    another thing is manny.

    him and manny were best buds.:

    laughing in the dugout, making funny history so and so.

    i think he just has to get used to the game of baseball and trading and all.

    he will definetley become used to it by next season!


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