
Do you think Bill O'reillys interview with Obama will help sway Republicans to vote for him?

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Yes or No




  1. I don't think so, unless Obama suddenly becomes a conservative and talks about reining in spending, not raising taxes, and allowing the military to do their job and get the heck out of Iraq while winning and respecting our troops.  

    Hopefully Bill will get Obama to give specific answers to Obama "plans" for the country, economics, healthcare, etc.

  2. no no no!

    Obama must be running scared to break down and speak to the enemy


  3. Republicans?




    But just the sheer fact he is appearing helps him

  4. No, it will make democrats cry foul about something. Remember, Obama got destroyed at saddleback, because he is not a quick thinker.

  5. No way.  It will make Democrats see Obama for what he is.  Bill might even make him cry.  (lol)

  6. No, why would it? O'reilly probably wont even let Obama finish a sentence!! It is going to be ridiculous, I don't even know why Obama is going to waste his time. Not even going to watch that circus.

  7. Why not? Republicans can be just as fickle as democrats.

  8. Did Hussein Obama actually agree to this?


  9. yes, they don't listen to him & if they would they would see why others get a chill up there leg (Chris Matthews quote). I voted for Hillary & was so happy about her. I have never heard any speak in an intelligent clear way as well as Bill Clinton, until I heard Obama. People make fun of Obama for stuttering at times but his mind works at such a high level he has to slow it down so people will understand. People will see how great he is by going on Fox. I know Fox is owned by a man who has paid off Newt Gingrich to get laws changed for him & so the republicans are owned by Fox news.

  10. when does it air?!?

  11. It airs tomorrow night and I really don't think it will sway me - although I'm very interested in Bill O'Reilly asking him strong and important questions which O'Reilly won't let him duck or squirm out of.  Can't wait!

  12. No.

    No one with common sense, would vote for Obama.

    Obama is a racist, sexist, muslim.  He is a cult leader - open your eyes people.

  13. Please. You know it's a complete waste of time. do you remember the De la Hoya/ Mayweather fight? They dance around for 12 rounds and no one lands a telling blow. A complete defensive fight. boring!!!  Look for that to happen. O'Reilly and fox can get an Obama bump in the ratings.

  14. no not really

    oreilly is pretty fair so.....

  15. No. I think most people are entrenched with their candidate of choice. For those who claim that they are undecided, I think that party loyalty will win over voting for a Democrat.

  16. I am watching the RNC with Govenor Palin instead.  I'll catch it on youtube later.

  17. "F*ck it We'll do it live......that f*cking thing sucks!"

  18. Just speaking for myself, not a chance.

  19. Yes I think it is very smart of him to do it.

  20. Doubtful, i for one am worried for Obama. Bil O is dangerous

  21. Not at all....Obama is all talk and blows a lot of smoke.  He runs his mouth and a lot of people don't question him or call him on it.  It will just show republicans how rediculous Obama is.  And it will expose Obama for who he really is - and I hope his supporters see that and get a reality check.

  22. Probably not.

    It's good that he finally is going to talk to him though. Should be interesting.

  23. Nah, nobody takes Billy seriously anymore.  

  24. I dont know but it will be the first FAIR interview he gets by the only un liberal bias newscast out there, lets see how he does when he isn't be interviewed by one of his worshipers... I mean supporters.  

  25. I can't wait for Bill to start hollering, cursing, spitting, and throwing papers around because he won't be able to rattle Obama. It won't sway the election one way or the other because nobody has any respect for Billo.  

  26. Ha ha, Obama will get eaten up by Bill O'Reilly.

    Obama is over 50 Percent spin and since Bill's show is a No Spin Zone, he will be eaten alive.

    If Bill asks the right questions, it will be the Democrats coming over to the Republican side.  

  27. Yes, if Republicans wanted to look good, they wouldn't have picked such a ticking time bomb. I loath Pat Buchanan but I think he'd do a better job than Bill O'Reilly.

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