
Do you think Bob Lazar is telling the truth about this space ship...or should he win an oscar?

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This tape is blurry but worth watching/hearing. It's less than 8 min.long.

If I were a scientist...I'd find this extremely interesting.




  1. I don't think he's telling the truth about aliens. He may believe his own claims. Which if he does tells me he shouldn't win an oscar - but a straight jacket.

    However the government has already admited on some accounts of using "UFO's" as a front to keep secret planes secret - namely the U-2 spy plane, the SR-71 and the stealth fighter and bomber.

    The Soviets did the same thing with their secret air craft as well.

  2. looks fake.

  3. the man is a fraud and nut.

  4. As a rule, scientists tend to be more interested in things they can test, measure, observe, theorize about, experiment with, etc.., and less interested with Internet video uploads.

    Some interesting facts about Bob Lazar

    - He claims degrees from MIT and California Institute of Technology, but neither school has him listed in their records

    - He claims to have worked at Los Alamos, but Los Alamos has no records of his employment either.

    - He runs a scientific supply company, far from actually being a scientist

    - He falsified a W-2 slip from a non-existence department of the Navy to prove his employment with Navy Intelligence.

    My guess is that the most involvement he's had with UFOs is that he cleaned the toilets at Groom Lake. He's a nut.

    EDIT: Sure, you can't prove that gov't didn't do that. But the question you should always ask is "is it likely?" Does the evidence support it? What's the likeliest explanation? Is a tinfoil hat conspiracy surrounding a known fraud actually true, or is it simply that he is indeed a known fraud?  He has no evidence for the extraordinary claims he is making, so until he provides it there doesn't seem to be a good reason to believe him. Frankly, when he tries to talk scientifically he just sounds ignorant to me.

  5. Bob Lazar claims to have graduated from Cal Tech and MIT, but neither has ever heard of him. He also produced a fuzzy W-2 showing that he was paid by the Department of Naval Intelligence. The only problem is that Deparment hasn't existed since WWII. The guy's a phony and not a very good one.

  6. He's telling the truth no doubt, because my neighbour John Francis worked with him in a place he called Area S-4 and there are aliens underground at Dulce Base also.

  7. maybe he was high

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