
Do you think Bobby Labonte could win another championship if he left Petty?

by  |  earlier

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I think he could if he ended up on a good team. He is a great driver.




  1. Yes I think so, I'm kind of hoping that this merge thing with petty enterprises and that other company (i forget the name) Boston something anyways maybe they'll get better equipment and he'll start getting some wins!! I really like Bobby and I think he is a great guy and driver!

  2. Yes and I don't like his decision at this point in his career to re sign with Petty regardless of the new investors.  Changes will not and can't happen overnight because of extra financial backing.   It will still be several years until Petty becomes a top tier team and by that time I think Bobby will be ready to start his golf game.

    His decision actually upset me.  I like Bobby a lot.  I hope I'm wrong.

    OOh Gloria.  Thats a s**y lid yah got there

  3. Yes, I do.

  4. One thing is for certain. He won't even get close to winning one driving for Petty. He probably will never make the chase much less win the championship.

  5. Oh ya he can get r done still but i dont know if pettys can they say this investor will help them a ton we will have to see i think pettys will be better off going to toyota or Chevy face it dodge is doing ok but not as good as toys an chevys

  6. Don't know, anything is possible, but I see Labonte ending his career with Petty.  It has been mentioned that Labonte likes the family feel, and lighter demands put on drivers by Petty.  Example: Driving for Jack Roush is a huge opportunity, but the demands of Roush can be too much for a 40 something year old man with kids, compared to a 20 something driver full of p@ss and vinegar.

  7. YEP

  8. If he went to RCR, I think he would win some races and make the chase

  9. Maybe the team will be better with new $$$ and new location.  I have always liked Bobby.  He said, when he signed the new 4 yr. contract, that he had to be with a team where he was happy and it felt right in his heart.  That is what he did.  Gotta respect the guy for that.

    Go Jr.>>>>

  10. Maybe, but I heard that Bobby wanted to race the rest of his career as a member of Petty Enterprises. He's the best thing to come to PE in a long time.

  11. The only place I could see Bobby going winning a championship is Hendrick or Roush

  12. He would definitely have a better chance!

  13. How come nobody cares about Richard Petty and the 43 anymore? I was so glad Bobby re-signed. Now they have some cash for some real R+D.

  14. it all depends on the team he would go to

    but they said he signed to stay at pettys

  15. maybe he decided to go to that 4th childress car or back to gibbs. dont sign with a team that hasn't one in like forever. (8 years to be exact)

  16. yes i thank he could win if he left petty but he sign up with him again go bobby labonte

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