
Do you think Brad cooper will be arrested in Nancy Cooper's death?

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missing North Carolina woman found dead in cul de sac last week. Her family is painting a bad picture of Brad and has secured custody of the two children, 2 and 4.




  1. It's a good possibility, considering the custody of the kids, and the fact he had an all depends on what the poor woman suffered, and if her attack wasn't sexually based, then it's quite probable he could be arrested, if sufficient proof against him is established.  What a heartbreaking case.

  2. Statistically speaking, there is a good chance he may be arrested. What adds to this is the fact she had friends who didn't put it past him that he is capable of harming/murdering his wife.. as this was one of her good friend's first instincts... and that news story last week where a reporter came to his door and asked him if he'd been out searching for his wife that day. Uh..deh..em.. deuh deh.. d..d..d- uhhh.. yeah I went around.. ueh .. ... sounded like lame excuses on television of a schoolboy caught with his homework not done, not a worried husbad. Lame-ooh! I wonder why she married him.

    At this point, even if he is innocent, he's looking pretty pathetic. So if there was a pool, I'd put my stakes high on he's got a hand in things!!

  3. Yes, he deserves to be arrested.

  4. yep

  5. 99% of the time its the husband/boyfriend/fiance(or if the women is pregnant the father of the baby) that kills the women in cold blood. So I say its more likely then not he did it

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