
Do you think Breaking Dawn would have been better if Bella's pregnancy wasn't so gross?

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Do you think Breaking Dawn would have been better if Bella's pregnancy wasn't so gross?




  1. In my opinion I think Bella should have never gotten pregnant at all! It seemed like something thought out by a fan. And what about her change I found that part really fake because she was just in so much pain but yet not a sound left her mouth. Yet she says it's like being thrown into fire still alive. Yeah what a lie nothing in the other 3 books can point to her being that stronge and don't give me that she loves edward more then she was in pain because that is b.s.!

  2. No the book would be alwful anyway "mrs Edward Cullen" @_@

  3. I actually don't know what you mean, because that was the whole plot. Because she would die giving birth, that's why he turned her into a vampire. Remember how she was kind of getting cold feet? The author didn't want a 5th book, she wanted a happy family of vampires. Sorry if I offended you in any way, and I hope I helped. : )

  4. Maybe some people think so...

    But it's life. I mean, you can't just go around saying that pregnancy is all hunky-dory...that's the way it is (minus the spinal cord cracking and not quite so much blood) in real life.

    It was sort of gross but I got over it after the three days of pain...(we get it! it's painful!! you don't need to fill a whole chapter with it lol)

  5. No.  I'm just wondering why a "mongrel" had to figure out what Bella needed all along was blood.  DUH!  She's got a little blood-sucker growing, ABNORMALLY FAST, in her tummy.  Think, people, think!!  I just loved the whole book and just fell out laughing when Jacob imprinted on "Nessie."  Did you know Stephenie Meyers has another book in the works; it's "Twilight" from EDWARD's perspective.  I hope they put it out.  Have you read "Host" yet?  That's really great, too.  

  6. if u like 2 read abt phedophiles n mindless crappy romance n teenagers who have no ambition in life except having s*x with their boyfriend...then yup

  7. Not at all. Jacob imprinting on Renesmee would have still been as disturbing, and Edward would have still been as controlling as he always has been.

  8. i thought that part was exciting even if it was gross

  9. Maybe...

  10. haha definately. i didnt like it coz of Renesmee and the whole pregnancy thing.

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