
Do you think Brett Farve should retire??

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Do you think Brett Farve should retire??




  1. He has to decide whether or not he wants to stay retired. He has already retired. He should play if he wants to, but the Packers will probably influence where he plays.

  2. I think its up to him. If he thinks he still has it, then more power to him.  

  3. I think he should stay retired. Every it is the same old circus coming to town. Will he or won't he? Every year Green Bay has to put draft and free agency plans on hold until he gives them an answer. Every year, he drags it out as long as possible to keep his name in the papers. Just like Michael Jordan, Green Bay and the NFL have to move on. They can not consistently wait on the future. The future is now.

    If Brett went to any other team, it would be the same and the GM would learn to hate him. Favre is tarnishing his image as team player and respectable individual. He should stop this charade and not try to shake down the Packers for 25 million.

  4. Yes!  The Packer's organization tried talking him into staying but he told them he is retiring.  Therefore, the Packer's had all the game plan's and Offense set to QB Rodgers.  Rodger's was picked to be Favre's successor when drafted.  I'm not saying Favre doesn't have anything left in him because I'm sure he does.  I agree with Green Bay and the direction they are moving.  Favre will always be a Packer but it is time to move on like in retiring or to another team like Jerry Rice, Jr. Seau, Jason Taylor, and Zack name a few.

  5. Eventually, but not now.

  6. He's d1cked around with the NFL long enough....give some real players a chance. He should have retired 5 years ago.

  7. He should stay retired!!

  8. No he shouldn't and the packers forced a decision from him at the end of last season and as far as moving ahead Rodgers will fall on his face as the packers QB bringing the organization to it's knees for at least ten seasons without a play-off birth leaving the packers in just as sad shape as the lions.

  9. No If He wants to play let him

  10. I would rather see him retire, than come play for the Vikings. We don't want him here in Minnesota.  

  11. He is already retired and has yet to be reinstated by the NFL, he made a decision and needs to stick with it.  As far as those who said he was made to do it, give it up.   Brett is old enough to say not I am going to keep playing, if he didn't then shame on him.   Right now he is acting very immature and that is not how to act when your his age.

  12. No. He should just sign with another team, take whatever penalty is dolled out, and beat the living tar out of the Packer to demonstrate to the front office, what a quality QB is.

    But he should retire in about 5 years, but no time soon!

  13. yes he should stay retired...he's gettin too old  

  14. no and the best part is, neither do he!  somebody made that man retire...

  15. yes. If he wasn't ready for retirement, he should have never said he was hangin em up.

    What I would like for him to also do is to consider working on the sidelines for the Packers. I think that would be a nice pick up for him and the Packers.


    truwarie... : I TOTALLY agree...

  16. He already retired, so why not do it again?

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