
Do you think Brett Favre will help the Jets make the playoffs this year? Why or why not?

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Do you think Brett Favre will help the Jets make the playoffs this year? Why or why not?




  1. Not in the AFC. Lets face it, there are about 20 teams in that conference far better than the Jets with Favre. IF the pack was an AFC team they would have been 9-7 last year. Jets have no shot at their division and wild card is out of reach.  

  2. Great question. The thing to keep in mind is that the Jets made many upgrades this offseason. They added parts to their offensive line and defense. They spent over $140 million this offseason their acquisitions and draft picks, including Vernon Goldstein. The addition of Favre adds leadership and the ability to stretch the field to the Jets team. Pennington had great leadership, but he was unable to stretch the field. This allowed opposing defenses to key on the running game. Defenses won't be able to do that with Favre, so I would look for Thomas Jones to have a great year similar to the way Ryan Grant did for the Packers last year. Favre has weapons to work with with Coles, Cotchery, Franks, and also look out for speedster David Clowney. The Jets will make the playoffs this year and could be the surprise team of the NFL.  

  3. No, because Brett Favre does not have a complete team around him to make the playoffs.  They will be improved, but not enough.    

  4. I think he'll help them out...but I think it will be a struggle to be a playoff team.

    A lot of it will have to do with the fact that the Jets defense isn't as good as the Packers.  

  5. No- the rest of the team stinks

  6. Highly unlikely, unless the Patriots somehow disappeared.  And forget a wild card- there are too many better teams in the AFC that can take either their Division (i.e. Indy and S.D.), or keep the Wild Cards from them (i.e. Cle, Pit, Hou, Tenn).  

    Then again, I think they'll go 5-11 or 6-10, and Favre'll get the retirement song going, then the "itch" to play, and SOMEbody's gonna want him...... blah, blah, blah.  You know how this works.

  7. Personally I think with both Farve and Pennington the Jets would have been a major contender. I'll be looking forward to seeing both do well this year.

  8. I don't know about the playoffs but it definitely increases their chances of making the playoffs. They have some decent receivers on that team and they made some moves in the offseason to sure up the offensive line. I think that their main concern will be the play of their defense. They have a young secondary and they don't really have a good d line.

  9. No.  Brett Favre is good, but not that good.  He did not take the Packers to the playoffs every single season that he was the quarterback there either.  The Jets need to bring in some more offensive and defensive weapons before they will be a playoff caliber team.  Considering Favre's age, I do not think that they have time to wait for some of the current players to develop if they want to make it to the playoffs before Favre either retires or is so injury prone that he is no longer effective as a quarterback.  

    Personally, I think that the biggest impact that Favre will have on the Jets is through mentoring the young quarterbacks who are also on that team.  

  10. With the Jets other improvements getting the best quarterback to ever play the game is the frosting on the cake . I firmly believe that the Patriots easy string of division titles is over . Favre is a winner and will take the Patriots to school . The big bully of the weakest division is going down and the rest of the NFL will cheer .

  11. he will throw 30 picks.... he just couldn't quit while he was ahead.  he won't be going against that nfc competition he's used to.  lol at the guy that doesn't know pennington was released and signed by the dolphins.

  12. That is a good question. Brett has never been consistent in his throwing the ball. A lot will depend on his team mates and his ability to throw the ball.

    We will just have to wait and see.

    I love to watch Favre play but it will not be the same. I just wish he could have stayed with Green Bay.

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