
Do you think Brian Cowen will do a better job then Bertie Ahern as Taoiseach?

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Do you think Brian Cowen will do a better job then Bertie Ahern as Taoiseach?




  1. Bertie did not do a good job, inflation was at 5% public spending was out of control, women were being misdiagnosed with breast cancer as our health system is run by over payed public servants, I mean if that is a benchmark for greatness i dont know what is.

    Its funny but in a time when jobs are leaving The republic and the economy is in crisis, our new taoiseach is up north looking for investment for the north, they never did this for the west, its dog eat dog in todays economy why is Cowen up there getting jobs for people who want nothing to do with us instead of adressing the jump in people unemployed.

    Cowen and FF will be on the ropes this time next year, the housing boom covered over their ineptness with large amounts of cash, without this the curtains are pulled back and ff are exposed.

    Cowen will lose his temper and look like a fool. he did it in the election, hasent the guts to sack harney

  2. ANYONE can do a better job then Bertie Ahern as taoiseach.!!!

    Although i'm not a fianna fail fan.

    but i guess it's better then bertie so we should at least give him a chance.

  3. We will thing is for sure: I can't see him using the tax payers money, forking out €30,000 a year on make up though!

    Brian has a tough test coming up with our economy starting to descend slowly but only time will tell. The best of luck to him though, I hope he does our country proud like Bertie did. If Brian stands the test of weaving Ireland through the rough times ahead, of course he will triumph.

  4. Are you dissing Bertie?! LOL

    People only turned against Bertie the time the money scandal came out, and no one can deny that they LOVED Him before that.

    I think Brian will be just as good, but not better, that's impossible.

    We'll have to wait and see.

    = )

  5. i think it will be a case of the same problems but just different faces saying they're doing something about it.

    we don't need another fianna fail taoiseach we need a new government

  6. to be honest he cant be worse than bertie...

  7. He can't do any worse but he doesn't really have the personality for it like bertie did and he's taking over at a bad time, bertie was lucky enough to be in power when the celtic tiger roared but things aren't as good anymore and the country has a lot of problems to address.  I don't like fianna fail anyway hope they're voted out soon.

  8. I'd like to think so. Although Bertie was fortunate in that he had a lot of money to throw around, Cowen will not. It may appear Bertie did more.

  9. I dont really know.

    Bertie was quite a good taoiseach apart from the apparant blowing the budget on make up.

    Brian will definitly be better than Bertie if he sorts out our health service issues. its appaling! people are dying on trollys and people being turned away for no insurance, seriously its not funny.

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