
Do you think Bristol Palin was corrupted by the degenerate immoral TV show Murphy Brown?

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Or by some other Hollywood produced liberal trash? That's what Conservatives have said for years, now they can prove their point.




  1. lol

  2. No, I think she was corrupted by her degenerate mother.

  3. the statistics for teen pregnancy and children being born out of wed lock is higher in the black community so let's just wait a few years to hear about obama's daughters keep'n it real. and that behavior is condoned in the black communities. but let's not blame liberalism-free love and OH NO YOU DIT'N, I CAN DO WAT'EVA I WANT!.

  4. i think it's more like the movie juno that corrupted her

  5. Whatever we do, we can't blame her parents.

  6. Probably, but who could have done something about it?, the parents. Marriage is a comp out, emancipate her@#$ and see if she marries him on her own when she gets of age.              

  7. I forgot all about Dan Quayle's comment.

    Wow, after GWB and now Palin I forgot all about Dan Quayle.

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