
Do you think Britain will ever give Ireland back to the Irish ?

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If it remains as it is , Britain too, will never be free. I know people will say that there are some people there that want it to remain under british rule, but it's about what's right isn't it?




  1. I'm Irish, have lived here all my life but I agree with thelimetree, if it wasn't for the British, where would we be?

    and Ireland has been independant since 1921. Get your facts straight.

  2. hi i,d say the government cant wait to offload n ireland,but to n ireland rule independant of english rule, and i dare say the irish are,nt really bothered about the re-claim of the north.

  3. they ****** better ireland is an island not a state so them scummy british better

  4. they should

  5. You must mean Northern Ireland since Eire is already independant.

    Ask the so-called loyalists

  6. it will happen someday i promise u that, and ur dead right , its about whats right . and to all the people who said irish people arent that bothered, u must be talking about the so called upper class people who speak with an english twang, because most people i know hate the fact there is a foreign flag flown over a part of our country. there should of been an all out war in the 70s when the english army burned all the catholic houses in the north leaving whole familys with nothing but the political leaders back then were the same as they are now , interested in nothing but money and there own little bit of power. our day will come, and god will deal with englands evil... and to thelimit... dont worry urself thinking what ireland would be like without british rule just remember ireland was under british rule the time of the famine when over a million men women and children starved to death, go find out what ur country did to help these people who they claimed lived in there empire. the answer u will get is that ur country stood by while these poor people died, how can u live with the shame.

  7. Hello,

              My country is mostly all mine and the only part of it that is British is the 6 counties of the North of Ireland. The South of Ireland is now known as The Republic of Ireland. we had been fighting the British for over 800 years for our independence and after all the insurection in 1916, and the political upheaval trhat we caused the British, they decided to let us have our country back, we would still have been fighting for it yet, if they had not. We have been a republic now since 1921, and it is still working OK as a republic.

              I think what you are referring to, is only about the North of Ireland, and a lot of people there really do want to remain under Britains rule, well, I am democratic enough to leave that to the folks up north, and they too are democratic enough, to be happy just the way they are being governed..

              Whayever you mean about it all being about what's right, I am not going to argue about that, my forefathers taught me that we have what is right to all us Irish Republicans, and we can only hope and wish that those people in the north are happy to be the way they are, for if they are not happy, they truly are so very welcome to come and live in the Republic and enjoy all for which it stands, and having said that, I can't think of any single person in the Republic that wants to go and live in the North, in this day and age. But if any Republican person wants to go live in the North of Ireland, then that is down to them, I am sure they would flourish in the long term, and be happy to be there, anything as long as I can retain my right to be a Republican Irishman.....I hope this helps to answer your query.....Tony M.

  8. i tihnk we should move the capital to somewhere like Cork or Galway, give britain dublin(somehow geographically push it away from us)as they are all posh and s****. of the rest country anyway, and take back the North.we should have gotten Fermanagh and Armagh but the brits were underhanded and sneaky.

  9. I think the problem is more to do with the loyalists than with the British.

  10. God willing, it will end up in the right hands again. 26+6=1.

  11. 1921?!? it became republic in '49. And no i don't think so, its not really a realistic goal. You can't just uproot a couple of million Loyalists out of a country!

  12. Unfortunately,no.The occupying British Protestants have been there for so long they now have roots firmly entrenched.They now consider Northern Ireland theirs and won't leave without a fight.

  13. Do you want it back?

  14. i think its up to the Irish,people but if you lived in ireland as i did then you can have more understanding of the situation.

  15. as peter k says - What a lot of Bull and misconceptions.

    There is no country called ireland. there is the republic of ireland and northern ireland. ireland is a rock in the north atlantic. The people of northern ireland vote year after year to remain part of the UK - democracy in action. last count (2005)only 23% stated thay wished to join the RoI.

  16. Do you even know what you are talking about ?

    Ireland is independent.

    Northern Ireland is part of UK

  17. Sorry but just because the british live in ireland doesnt actually mean its theres, like every where else britain thought they could take over.

  18. I think the majority north and south are happy the way it is.  The independent south don't care about unification as long as this period of prosperity continues.  

    Of course unification would cause a whole host of problems were it to occur including the Republic having to burden Northern Irelands huge debt and the changeover of currency etc.  I don't think an economy as small as the Republics is any way ready for something like that yet imo.  Inflation is currently very low and employment is at its highest ever figure.  Why ruin a good thing like that.

    As it stands I don't care who governs Northern Ireland as long as there is peace up there and I can visit my relatives on both sides of the divide.  Beautiful part of the country, lets hope it stays that way.

  19. i can't see that happening. unionist people in NI are more loyal to the crown than the majority of people on the mainland so in the event of vote i think it would remain british.

  20. When the majority of a population wish to remain as part of a nation its only right that their wish is respected. Thats like saying the US (where I suspect your from) should give back New Mexico and Texas to Mexico.

    Think and reasearch before you speak (or indeed type).

  21. Ireland has been a republic since 1921 - don't you know this, or are you one of those meddlesome yanks ... Northern Ireland is part of the UK still, and it's very different from the south. Just like Dublin (really and truly the most 'English'-feeling city in Ireland, even though it is the capital of the republic of Ireland) is so different from everywhere else in Ireland, particularly the west and south-west.

  22. Yes, it's about what's right.  England is no longer England either, it is full of Pakistanis, mosques, and other foreigners.

    Without the British rule, Ireland would still have outhouses, no plumbing, and burn turf to heat their cottage.  They would still have l5 children, and poor healthcare.  They would speak a language that even Wales and Scotland would not understand.  They live on potatoes and come over to UK in droves for free education.  Then thumb their noses at the Brits.  

    It is a beautiful country, but damp and chilly.  The love hate relationship exists, but still I enjoy the company of Irish nurses in England., I am a nurse.  They get along well, and both have a sense of humour.

  23. do you have a clue?

    Ireland is an independant republic.

    The Six Counties of Northern Ireland are part of the United Kingdom.

    The majority of residents in Norethern Ireland consider themselves British citizens

    Yes, it is about what's right. And what's right is for the people of Northern Ireland to be able to choose for themselves.

    Also, have you considered the economic effect on the Republic of taking on Northern Ireland?

    get a clue, and some history, and some education, then come back !

  24. i hate to say it but i dont think so, the ratbags never gave away the falklands and lets face it it's a h**l,uva lot closer to argentina than here,

  25. not in this generation .

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