
Do you think Britney Spears is trying to act like K-Fed and the kids never happened?

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Why else would she have given up custody? How could she abandon her kids like that?




  1. She didn't abandon her kids. She probably gave up custody because she knew she was going to loose, it was obvious.. she was probably just thinking about the kids and how its not right to put them through all of that. Its not like she'll never see them. She gets them three days a week.. and for a night. She is finally getting back on track with her life. She loves those kids with all her heart, and she was just trying to do what was best.

  2. Because she never wanted them to begin with. They weren't planned for goodness sakes! She started s******g her backup dancer who had a pregnant girlfriend at home...then got pregnant herself...oops. She's a disgusting, pathetic excuse for a parent, and a prime example of a total raunchy tramp. It's pretty easy to believe she can't handle some expectations of decency. She couldn't even handle a career, she can't even handle her appearance. So how can she handle being a good parent. She looks, acts, and lives like trash. Plain and simple. I think she just decided s***w it..I don't want to be bothered, or have the "rules". And gave the kids to him.

  3. At least she can admit the better parent is the other party. Why just because she is the mother should she have her kids. Fathers are capable of being the main parent too.

  4. it doesnt matter. its her life and she has her own reasons. you know there is always more behind the story.

  5. In mexico..we don't care for trash like her.

  6. h**l Yeah!!

    What a b*tch!!

  7. I feel it is totally responsible of her to know who the better parent for her children is. If that is her ex husband, then good for her for recognizing that.

  8. Just cause she gave up custody now dosent mean she cant go back and get it back at some point. Some people arent made to be FT parents. unfortunetly theres no rules on who can pop out kids.

  9. **** of alll of you!!! you all dont kno **** about brittney shut upppp shes my idollllllll!

  10. "bangs head against key board" who cares..She has her own problems she needs to deal with before she can be a good mom..Just because she gave custody to him does not mean she abandon her kids she has visitations..

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