
Do you think Bruce Lee was just an actor or a real martial artist?

by Guest60599  |  earlier

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JasonL Get a clue! I'm taking a poll!




  1. Any credible biography said he was a martial artist before he was an actor. This is typical of all martial artists/actors.

  2. He was a real martial artist, and a natural at it. He was also extremely intelligent. He moved to the USA to pursue a career in acting, using his martial arts talents to boost his career.

    I saw a film clip from his audition for the role of Kato in "The Green Hornet" ~ he was amazing, and so casual about it. He used one of the producers to demonstrate some of his moves. The first punch or two caught the guy off guard and he flinched backward. Lee's movements were so slick, so fast, and so accurate that the producer thought he was going to be popped in the nose even though Lee easily pulled his punches when only an inch away! Lee won the role easily.

    He went on to perform in a number of film roles. He may not have had an Oscar-winning talent at acting, but he was competent. His natural charm, combined with his astounding martial arts skills, more than made up for any lack of acting skills. "Enter The Dragon" was an instant classic and is still the model by which many martial arts movies are judged today.

  3. Bruce Lee was indeed a real martial artist

    he shared his talent by acting but it was sheer talent and hard work and dedication to the martial arts all the way

  4. 'A real martial artist. Believe me, he was no actor.' - I agree

  5. He was an excellent martial artist first, and became a competent actor.

  6. Real martial artist.

  7. A real martial artist.  Believe me, he was no actor.

  8. Real martial artist, then actor, then comedian . . . loved him! ! !

  9. are you crazy?

    Bruce Lee invented so many techniques (not to mention he IS THE FOUNDER of Jeet Kune Do) it is amazing you ask this question.  You should do some research if you really don't know

  10. Both if to act. His martial arts is real.

  11. actor i think  plus ever heard of stunt doubles

  12. Bruce Lee?

    MASTER Martial Artist....Enough said.

  13. Both.

    He was a skilled martial artist and an actor

    He also wrote a book about martial arts

  14. Ya. Both. See Jackie chan.

  15. From your comments you already know the answer.

    Bruce Lee started out as a martial artist and then became an actor.

  16. Very much the real thing.

  17. both

  18. I bet he could kick your ***.

  19. He was a real martial artist before he became an actor.

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