
Do you think Budweiser will be going to JR Motorsports next year since they are losing their Navy sponsorship?

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The Navy is leaving JR Motorsports after this year and I was wondering if anyone else has given any thought as to will be replacing them as Brad's sponsor. Budweiser only signed a one year contract to sponsor Kasey Kahne, so I figured it would be them.

Here's the story:;_ylt=Anw.TXWPADNjaDYxfkxXemPov7YF?slug=ap-nascar-earnhardt-sponsorship&prov=ap&type=lgns




  1. I kinda doubt that. JR Motorsports as of right now is a renamed Hendrick Motorsports (at least in the Nationwide Series) & Bud & Hendrick don't really see eye to eye (re: failure to get them to sign on to Dale Jr. in the Sprint Cup Series)

    But we'll see.

  2. yeah, i saw that article too, but i'm guessing bud is going to stay in the top series, not start sponsoring nationwide series teams. they've been sponsoring cup cars forever, and it seems unlikely they'd change now. as to whether or not they stay with kahne, they probably will. he's doing fairly well and has a decent demographic.

    now that nascar has said that there will not be a nationwide "COT" until at least 2010, junior will probably delay any plans he may have had to move jr motorsports to the cup level. (junior had hinted that if they had to put out the money to build a COT for the nationwide series, he might as well move the team up to cup level, where he could make some money with it). as long as junior and rick hendrick want to keep jr motorsports going with nationwide teams, i'm sure they'll be able to find a replacement sponsor for a year, or multiple sponsors sharing the car.

  3. If Jr. Motorsports evem makes it into next year.

  4. what klc23 said

  5. Let's see...

    Bud hasn't seen their name in victory lane in nearly two years until they started to sponsor the 9 car.  Now Bud has seen their name in victory three different times (All-Star, Lowe's, and Pocono), and I'm sure Bud will see their name in victory lane a few more times before this season is over.  Also, Kahne will more than likely make the chase.  I'm sure Bud is liking what they've seen thus far from Kahne and the 9 team.  I say Bud will stick with the 9 regardless if JR Motorspots stays in the Nationwide or move up to the Cup.

  6. I really think Bud will stay where it's at. Kasey has had some success this year so I think that'll keep Bud around.

    As for the Navy leaving JR Motorsports...I was wondering how they felt about Dale Jr himself being sponsored by the National Guard and his team that he owns being sponsored by the just seemed like they'd clash. I don't think Jr Motorsports will have any problems at all finding a new sponsorship next season.

    I do believe Jr Motorsports will be sticking around for at least another year. Look at how well Keselowski is dong this season! Number 2 in the points! I say he's got a great shot at not only getting Jr another win this year but he's making a great run at the championship!

  7. I don't think Bud's going to drop down to NNS either. I think if push came to shove, since the 5 car's got 4 different primary sponsors worst case scenario is they convince one to move over to the 88. As for why the Navy left, it looks like they felt it was redundant since the National Guard is on the 5 car, yeah they're both US Armed Forces but the are competing entities.

  8. no the company said dale jr can't have his old car because it has beer on it so they gave it to kasey how is younger

  9. No, Bud is Kasey's sponsor now and personally I think Kasey

    is a better fit for Bud than Dale Jr was or his Nationwide team

    ever will be.

  10. I don't think that Budweiser will leave Kasey Kahne. They have had more success with him this season so far than they have had with Dale Jr. in years. So, I definitely think Bud will remain the sponsor for the # 9.

    P.S. Go Kasey Kahne!!

  11. no bud belongs to ray evenham now

    navy don't have to give a reason the contracts up

    Jr motorsports wont have a problem getting a sponsor

    probably get a better one

  12. Not that in reality do car owners own sponsors or sponsors own cars I would have to say that without the sponsor the car owners would struggle. From your local late model division all the way to the top of the food chain.

    If Bud decided to go there is not a thing Ray could do about it. I doubt Bud would drop down to Nationwide just to re-sign with Jr. As for the Navy leaving. I can only speculate it is because of the economy and perhaps even that they used this as a recruiting tool and with the battles still raging and a possibly new, leader that wants out of the mid east and will cut all spending to do it, the Navy is getting out while the getting is good....

    I'm sorry, as much as I like Kasey Kahne, but he just doesn't fit the Bud mold. He's kinda like the paperboy type of image that would do fine like he does in the Allstate commercials, which are funny as h**l...

  13. No I honestly believe that Bud is staying with Kahne becuase he is winning them races so far. Why leave win things are going good. And plus they have been in the top division for years I dont see them going down.

    Go Kasey Kahne!!!!!!!!!

  14. The contract with  Eveniham has it tied up for another couple of years.

    With the slim possability that JR motorsports makes periotic runs in cup there could always be some sponsorship from one of the susitiaries of Bud.

  15. bud might not even sponsor a car after kahne's contract is up cause they are being bought out right now and the bidders dont want to sponsor a car

    so no

  16. Funny you should ask. There were reports/speculation/rumors of JR possibly moving JR Motorsports to the Cup Series. I was curious if Budweiser would rejoin Dale at JR Motorsports in the cup series.


    "Also, what do you believe is the reasoning behind the Navy's decision not to renew the contract? Especially since they created the Dale Jr Division for him."

    .....Well...Maybe since the cost for the Nationwide series to convert their cars to the COT type cars will cost the sponsors too much also. Maybe more sponsors might feel the same. The Nationwide series doesn't pay out as much in sponsor money but the cost of converting the cars may be more than the sponsors may want to bare.

    The only articles I can find that says the reason is all about the economic downturn (blaming it on the economy) but no really hard facts.

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