
Do you think Busch Gardens, GA should close due to recent tragedy?

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I've answered a lot of questions about this subject. The more I hear about it the more it seems that the park had some part in it. No one will say the kid made the right decision by going beyond restricted areas....however, I think the park should close or at least close the Batman ride. Have some respect.

Let me know your thoughts, please.




  1. It was Six Flags, not Busch Gardens.

    Really, its up to them.  Its not really a matter of respect; the kid is gone both physically from the area and as a matter of spirit.  Location doesn't really matter.

    The only reason I would say they should HAVE TO close it is to check on its structure.  It was not designed to have something block its path; so something may have been knocked loose (like a s***w or something).  It should be inspected to make sure his body did not do more damage that could add to the tragedy later if the ride breaks.

    If they believe its better from a PR point-of-view, they will probably close it.  But I don't really see a reason for them to have to do it.

  2. i personally don't think that the park shud close at all, because y wud the boy go somewhere where it said restricted, and all the signs in the park clearly state all lose item lost on ride six flags isn't accountable for. so, it was up 2 him 2 retrieve his stuff, but if i were him i wud just go 2 the store and buy another 1, or just wud have put it in the little bins they have for loose items.

  3. I think all they should do is just close the ride for a day or so as a remembrance deal... a kind of day of silence for the tragedy as a token of good will from the staff for the family.

    Though, I'd be more concerned about the people on the front of the ride... geez, imagine what it'd be like having the time of your life on that coaster and suddenly in a flash some teenager is in front of you, right over that tip of the front car, getting lobbed into the air and decapitated on a pole feet away from you. That'd be pretty traumatizing. They'll probably get bad Rep from the people who were on the ride now...

    Though, I hope they don't close it or the park except as a memorable. It wasn't the parks fault, they made fencing precautions to the best of their abilities. They couldn't stop an unpowered train from hitting him if they wanted to, even with brakes it'd take a while to stop... possibly doing worse than killing him (Like giving him brain damage and making him a vegetable for the rest of his life.). All they could do is warn people of the danger with blockades like the fences.

    So yeah, maybe a ride closing for a memorable or remembrance, but that's it.

  4. Last time I checked there is NO Busch Gardens in GA.

  5. If you're talking about the 17 year old numbskull who got himself decapitated after jumping two, count 'em TWO, six foot fences, all clearly posted that it was a dangerous area, to recover the hat that flew off of his head when he was on the ride that ultimately killed him...

    No, I consider that to be evolution in action.



  7. Why?   Unless something else has been released on the issue, the kid jumped over a guard rail into an area that was clearly marked as dangerous.   How much more should the park do to keep people from doing foolish things?  As far as closing the ride, I don't see any reason to close it for any longer than necessary, since that is one of the major reasons people go to that park. I'm sure SIX FLAGS will spend a little time with the ride closed to add more security fences around the ride, making it harder for it to happen again.  Probably not a bad idea, since in this day and age, a kitchen knife manufacturer could probably be held responsible for someone cutting a finger.  BUt no, I think there are better ways of showing respect than closing one of the top rides in the park.

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