
Do you think Bush should be impeached?

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On September 10th, the day before "the world changed", Dennis Kucinich will present (hopefully) 1,000,000 signatures to Congress in favor of impeachment. You can help by signing the petition at

The website has all the information detailing what you are signing and how it makes a difference. If you, like me, believe that no one is above the law and that George W. Bush should be held accountable for his violations of his oath to protect the Constitution of the United States and numerous war crimes, then sign the petition and make a difference.

Spread the word and help protect our Constitutional rights.

Thank you and don't forget to vote.





  1. No, but I hope Obama will be eliminated.

  2. Bush knows that starting the war in Iraq was a violation of The Geneva Convention. He is asking Congress to pass a law granting him immunity. The coward should be impeached.

  3. Yes and I signed. I emailed it to my friends and family. I think Dennis Kucinich is phenomenal. He should get more Americans' support but many have no idea who he is and what he stands for. I don't know if you can get anymore American than Dennis.

    edit: People really are clueless or they are part of the problem. If you don't support Dennis then you have no idea what he stands for or he is a threat to you.

  4. How about congress balance the budget and move the country towards energy independence.

  5. they better hurry before he is gone.

  6. I believe George Bush should be given a Noble prize for saving the world from religious fascists who want to impose there beliefs on the rest us

  7. hhahaa lols

    i dont even know wat that means



  8. Why not let the squalid little pipsqueak just fade into the obscurity he so richly deserves.

    Let it go. Let this dreadful man go!

  9. Do I think Bush should be impeached?

    Ooh yeah,with bells on.

  10. If those signatures turn out to be like the votes dems get, that number will boil down to be about a hundred. Kucinich is a strange individual like most dems but he playing with fire now. He has a first class ole lady though. Bush should be honored as the greatest President of all time.

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