
Do you think Bush still believes he was right?

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In sending us into a very costly war, both in life's and in money? I guess he will never admit it if hewas wrong!




  1. Yep he probably does, if he didn't believe it he wouldn't have done it.

  2. I think Bush is one of those people who think they are never wrong.  I think that he sincerely believes that his views and decisions are correct and that they would work out if people gave them a chance.  He doesn't take other people or cultures, or reality for that matter, into account when he draws up his policies.

  3. Bushy's lips are sealed. I hope our soldiers come back safe soon.I am trying to be nice here.

  4. He does what he is told to do.Such complexities as right and wrong do not enter his gibbon-like head.

  5. He was very right

    His job was to maximise the profits of the oil and 'defense?!' industries and the after tax earnings of the extremely wealthy at the expense of the rest of the US.  He succeeded brilliantly.

    The Iraq war - nothing to do with terrorism - simultaneously with huge tax cuts for the mega-greedy turned a large current accounts surplus left by the Democrats into a huge deficit.  Thus the dollar was driven down and the relative worth of the overseas currencies, to where the extremely rich had already exported their capital, was driven up.

    This sort of tactic has been employed by Republican administrations for a long time.  It allows them to enrich their owners (known as 'sponsors or 'political contributors' - both parties have them) and drive the economy into debt forcing the Democrats to tighten the economy to get it back on track.  The Repubs then fire "tax and spend" jibes at them - they have been forced to tax, but haven't been able to spend much - so the electorate elects the Retards again and the merry-go-round continues.

    What I don't think the Retards have taken into account is that the world economic order is changing.  US dominance is rapidly being replaced by such as India and China - being gloriously assisted by the multinational corporate owners of US politics propagandising for 'globalisation' of the world's economy.  They realise that these measures are speeding the process, but I'm not sure the parties do.

  6. Oh, not only Bush but the entire sneering Rush Limbo right wing still thinks they're doing the LORD'S WORK.  They can deny anything - no matter what - forever.  

    War crimes? - no problem.  Economy falling apart? - no problem.  Gas at $4/gallon - hadn't heard about that.

  7. I'm not even sure he was wrong.  The fact that it was harder than he thought, doesn't mean it wasn't a good idea.  In fact, it illustrates the fact that we have a difficult conflict ahead.

    The situation would have gotten worse whether the US invaded Iraq or not.  But this way, the West may have a better foothold for the Great War that is coming.

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