
Do you think Camilla is as much of a fashion Icon as Diana?Do you like her style?

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Do you think Camilla is as much of a fashion Icon as Diana?Do you like her style?




  1. No, she isn't as much of a fashion icon as Diana was but then again, Diana herself wasn't really known for much else than how she looked.

  2. You hit the nail right on the head, Brian S.

  3. She is a fashion DON'T, the total opposite of an icon.  I don't like her style in clothing or lifestyle.  Being anyone's mistress is creepy.  I actually ultimately blame she and Charles for Diana's death.  The again...why on earth did Diana ever marry some creepy old guy to begin with?

  4. no , i think camilla is lucky to get out of bed and into the shower.  she's a slob.

    diana was a much better looking woman and reprensted her people better.  camilla will always have ethics issues as far as i am concerned.

    in so far as camilla's physical appearance, she is over the hill and even money can't buy

  5. Diana had much more style I think

  6. Diana was so much classier. I'm not so much a fan of Camilla's style.. but I think she's under a lot of pressure to be as stylish as Diana. People compare the two all the time.

    Obviously :)

  7. Camilla dresses how someone her age should. She will never be the icon Diana was, however when you think about it, Diana popularised slones and big, dare I say ugly, wedding dresses, so to summarise, No, but we could have done with out Diana's contrbution to fashion. Looking back, Diana did wear some awful things, and noone seems to be wearing them again, lets face it, Diana may have been fasionable but she ain't no Audrey Hepburn.

  8. no and no

  9. That's like comparing Ellie Mae Clampette to Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies

  10. That's a pretty sexist question, equating value of women with looks.

    Diana was pretty, big deal. Camilla wears clothes appropriate to her age, station and role. She never focused on being a fashion plate like Diana. And you're looking at photos of a 50ish woman and comparing them to fantasy photos of 20 and 30ish woman. Hardly fair.

    Too bad you aren't interested in intelligence. Obviously Charles was. He left the beautiful but dumb woman for the older, mature and insightful woman. That should make him the feminist hero because he did what woman have long complained men don't do: he went beyond looks to a woman of substance.

  11. Diana threw money away and everyone called it "style".  I don't see any copies of those clothes in STYLE.  The whole Diana-worship is and was such crapola.

  12. Camilla needs fashion help for her style, Beyonce dresses better than she does.

  13. who gives a rats a*s! They're both beasts.

  14. diana was cool!!!  she had beauty &was humane enough to raise funds for helpin the distress &she visited them also .this camilla person is selfish &lookin much much older than her age

  15. no i dont think she ever be

  16. No. Camilla is known to be horrible in fashion and was always on the "what not to wear" list every year. Diana was more elegant and definitely a fashion icon. Camilla dress more like a traditional aristocrate lady and very classy (this may also be due to her age). Ever since marrying Prince Charles, her fashion taste had been improved and I would love to dress like a mix combination of both women.

  17. she dresses her age?lol

  18. Whaaaaaaaaat?  You've got to be kidding!  Camilla wouldn't know great style if it bit her in the a$$.  She dresses like Dame Edna - frumpy and overly conservative.  Diana had a few fashion misteps in her younger days, but as she matured she developed a wonderful, classy sense of style than only enhanced her poise and grace.

  19. I think that Camilla dresses well and stylishly for a lady in her late 50's. You cannot seriously compare someone who died at 38, with someone 20 years older, living in a different era.

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