
Do you think Canada should change their immigration laws and screen new comers?

by Guest63469  |  earlier

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I think Canada and the Canadian people have been abused long enough.We have become a door mat for people.

I wish the Canadian people would stand up and say no!

This is a good country and free but it needs to limit somethings that are being practice here that could destroy that freedom, and cause fear in people.Why do we have to accept aids victims, and people that have committed violent crimes in their own countries, or people that have diseases that can cause epidemics in our country.When does the end come?When do we learn to say no!

When do we learn that the system does not deal with these people, and we are suffering the consequences of their behavior.

Only to hear well I cannot be deported because they will kill me back in my own country? Well you should have thought of that before you committed a crime here? or what is it you did over there that they do not want you either? Why do we have to suffer, and pay to incarcerate these people only to have them go back on the street and re offend.How many times is enough?




  1. If you hadn't said Canada, I would  have sworn you were talking about the USA..cause we put up with the same things AND more everyday. I thought Canada had a good system in place for that. They have a points system and you have to rank so high to even qualify for acceptance into the country unless you ae talking about illegals. and illegals we know about. They take billions of dollars a year from America just in "anchor babies". without including the other things

  2. Absolutely , the screening should be tougher not just points -the amount of tax payers money spent on ESL is just ridiculous- What about the countless wheelchair passengers that come into vancouver each day from Asia? From India in particular- You just have to visit Vancouver International airport on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 noon to observe the flight filled with them from Singapore-  Who pays for their medical bills? Doctors who screen them in their villages , are they above  board? --then how come they are coughing and  spewing when  they arrive? They are all above 60++ years

    What about the  crimes committed by gangs of various Asian African communities?

    Canada is a benevolent country and many have taken undue advantage , abused the system -Most of them should be sent back to where they came -Those that commit crimes against the country should be deported immediately no questions asked- YES Canada is made up of immigrants from  all over the world I admit but in the last few years many riff-raffs have  entered, and there is more crime,  HOW? who knows-

    so many when  immigrating say they want to better their lives, etc - Soon  as they receive their Canadian passports they try to impose their religious beliefs on people, incite others of their community to stage gatherings /  protests to uphold radical political views  of their own countries, thus creating chaos and extra expenditure for the Canadian police & Tax payers and harm to peaceful existence that is of paramount importance to Canadians-

    Time Canadians spoke up and speak  loudly for the top brass to hear and  act and make entering into the country tougher-Canada should not become a safe heaven for such people-

  3. I am an immigrant here in Canada.  I do think the screening process is very thorough.  You have to pass a criminal record check and medical exam.

    Are you speaking of people who are illegal?  

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