
Do you think Casey Anthony's bounty hunters honestly believe that Caylee Anthony may still alive?

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1) The parents now admit it was Casey that stole 2 cans of gas from their storage building.

2) The neighbor reported Casey borrowing a shovel from them which she could give no good reason for needing.

3) Casey's mother reported the smell of a human body in Casey's trunk before Caylee convinced her it was a pizza box (Maggots were never attracted to my pizza box).

4) On Casey's myspace she wrote something to the effect "I can give life and I can take it away" which reporters and her mother verified

5) Casey refused her Dad entrance to her trunk until he then opened it and found his gas cans.

It goes on and on, so why would she even be eligible to be bonded? I know they haven't found Caylee's body, but that's assuming there's a body to be found.




  1. I would guess they are just trying to bond her out so they can get to the truth, so to speak.  Then, then would get all the credit for getting to the bottom of little Caylee's disappearance.

  2. I honestly think the bounty hunter is just seeing dollar signs, they are hoping they can be the one to find out what happens (which is naive, imo) and then sell their story. Which they are already doing anyway by appearing on TV shows and stuff.

    She's eligible to be bonded under law. They don't have a body yet, so all she's charged with is neglect. I'm sure many people charged with the same crime are freed on bond all the time. It sucks because I think there is something far more sinister going on but as of right now all the mother can be charged with is neglect.  

  3. All Hollywood.  They are there to shoot a tv show, and get fame and notoriety out of the death of a baby.  Wow, great humanitarians.

  4. Everyone has a constitutional right to be bonded out. First she is not charged with a major crime, only child neglect (which I feel is major - but not in eyes of law is it) and hindering an investigation. Her bond is excessive and her lawyer should be appealing that all the way to the Supreme Court. If she was charged in the child death, then yes.  Now to answer your questions:

    Yes they do think they can find her either dead or alive. many people feel this mother had the child stolen due to her owing some people money or she gave her away as collateral or she sold her.  Who knows. Of course she stole from them, this is not first time, either, credit cards, money, cars , etc. She likes to party - known fact as the pictures and associates of hers prove it as do their comments and their backgrounds. Many people issue the comment that she put on my space - anther reason my space should be shut down, it serves no purpose other than to be harmful. as for the smell, gas cans and shovel, who knows the true reason.    I think this girl knows exactly where child is dead or alive, something tells me alive,. Something tells me she is an attention seeker, and she did this for another reason, possibly to get money or something from parents and it backfired. I hope they do find this child alive as the police certainly seem to doing minimal to find her. Once again they are trying to make a case before they are even sure of te facts. If there was a body in the trunk, by now the results from the trunk would be back, the fact that they are performing another test, proves to me the do not have decomposition and therefore they are throwiing as much mud against the wall as possible to see what sticks. There was no body so now they do air samples so they can try to charge her. This has happened in many infamous cases.  If she did hurt the child, they better find some evidence the child is ded or they will not be able to convict as her lawyer can eeasliy (if he is smart enough - I could anyway) poke enough holes in the police theories to sink it as fast as the Titanic and as effective.  Remember, she only needs to create a doubt....She is innocent till proven guilty. Lets wiat and see what happens today and tomorrow when she gets out.

  5. Whoa!  Have you heard the audio of her jailhouse phone conversations with her brother?  Why the heck are they talking in code?  It's all like, "You know, the issue we discussed earlier.  About having too much trust."  That baby is dead.  If she weren't dead (or possibly sold), the woman would say, "Have you heard anything about Caylee?"  Instead, she sounds casual, almost chipper.  Weird.

  6. I think it has a lot to do with getting his face out there. I think it is free media publicity. He probably really thinks he can get info from her, but I think he is drunk with power and his motives are not out of care for this baby. If you listen to him closely, on several occasions he refferes to Casey Anthony, the mother as " young lady" however he many times has referred to Caylee Anthony as "IT" .

    "return IT to THE family" "it was left with a babysitter"  over and over he refers to her as "it". This jackass picked a high profile case to advertise himself. He wants to befriend Casey, hoping to crack this case, but for his own personal gain. He may really want Caylee alive and think that she is, but he humanizes Casey and dehumanizes Caylee, that's a very loud statement in itself about this man. This case should not be about the mother, it should be about this child, what is he doing for this child? He is calling her "it"

  7. By law on the charges she has now she is allowed to have a bond.She has not been charged with murder yet.I am sure if they had the evidence back they would charge her.The police stated they are waiting til all dna is back at once to release it all they want a good case on her since there has been no body yet.The police have not searched for a body this week because of hurricane fay.They are out around the Orlando Airport searching where they found a child's set of has NOT  been confirmed they are Caylees yet they are being tested.

    With the heat in fla I'm sure she has probably decomposed even after being in the car for two days..because the flurry of phone calls where on the 16 th...the shovel was borrowed on the 17th.with the PINGS on her cell phone being out by the airport on that they assume she buried her out there that day.

    Her brother left her my space up but deleted all friends off it???closed it.

    her bond for the charges she has against her now are set at the highest ever for that crime child neglect..for the simple fact the parents told the judge they don't have that kind of money they live pay day to pay day...and cant round up 500.000 the judge i dont think was expecting leonard padilla to come bail her out.

    If it was accident dont you believe she would feel guilty?there's no guilt with her?i dint get it..

    but as the psychiatrist say she is psycopath so w do NOT think like her.

  8. No person with any intelligence believes Caylee is alive. They may be trying to smoke her out and let her hang herself by yakking info (which she has already done) that will lead to the body. Obviously she buried it somewhere.

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