
Do you think Casey Stoner deserves more recognition of his success instead of people saying its his bike.?

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Do you think Casey Stoner deserves more recognition of his success instead of people saying its his bike.?




  1. Yea hes the only one who can tame the Ducati so he must have some great skills

  2. Rossi attributed Stoner's '07 championship to a superior Ducati bike and Bridgestone tires. Now that Melandri nor anyone else on the planet can come close to mastering the GP8 platform, 51% of the credit should go to Stoner.

  3. I think you will find that its usually people who have no Idea of what they are talking about that say things like" its the Bike."

    The people who follow he sport Know Casey is something special. I think if he had been put on a Kawasaki he might not have shone the same, but i doubt even Valentino could be really competitive on that bike as it is now. so in that respect it is the Ducati. but I cant find anyone who doubts Marco Melandri's talent as a rider. and he cant ride the Ducati, neither could Capirossi, so we come back to rider Talent. As pointed out - the bike is being developed with Casey in mind as the Honda is with Dani. which I would assume will make it even harder for any other rider to get used to that does not have a similar riding style and Body Build to  Casey. Casey is a deserved world champion, as will this years champion, whomever that may be.

  4. I do think that he's a bit underestimated.For example his team mate Marco Melandri is riding the same bike ,but his results are a great deal lower thatn Stoner's.

    But I thnk that the bike suits him perfectly and we cannot deny that,can we????

  5. he ofcourse deserves recognition, he is a great rider who seems to be in his own world once he gets to the front.

    with that said, remember his rookie season: he crashed out more than any other rider. he then signs with Ducati and is the World Champion...

  6. Absolutely - he's mastered the Ducati -

    put anyone on it and they'll not ride it like

    Casey does nor get the same results.

    Although I'm a dedicated follower of Rossi

    and want him to win the championship,

    I think Motorcycle Racing fan's in general

    find it unreasonable not to give credit

    where credit is due. ~ x*x ~

  7. He surely is a talented chap(riding a superior bike)!

    Makes for a nail biting set of races to come! My boy Vale must be a tad concerned..

  8. Casey is a massive talent.

    Nobody can deny that. He is super smooth and very brave.

    Ducati have " done a Honda " however with the latest GP08 and maybe even the GP09, by making the bike for Casey.

    HRC made the RCV212 for Dani, thats why nobody can ride it.

    In 07 the total package was the best : Casey / GP / Bridgestone / Livio Suppo & the team.

    This year, the others teams have picked there game up.

    The 2008 season has now ( after Mr V's mistake ) been opened wide open again. We all knew it was going to be a greaat title race and it is.

    All I have to say is .....................  ROLL ON 2009 !!

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