
Do you think Casey will tell investigators where her daughter is?

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And do you think that her parents know more or could perhaps be involved with Caylee's disappearance




  1. Casey will not tell where the child's body is and I am sure her attorney has told her not to. I also think grandma knows more than we think and possibly has obstructed either intentionally or in reality the prosecution of this case.

    Grandpa was at one time a policeman. I am fairly certain he is at least is suspicious of his daughter. They are either totally in denial or want to protect their daughter since they know their granddaughter is gone.

    Grandma started off scared, concerned, and calling 911 to complain of a dead body smell in her daughters car. Wasn't long before she was claiming it was a pizza. Child's clothing left in the car  "accidentally " washed by Grandma.

    Lot of stuff doesn't add up and was made only more of a circus when Bounty Hunter Padilla got into the act for a little self-promotion. I hope the case does get solved and those responsible do time.

  2. Her parents are involved up to their eyeballs; her mother knows exactly what's going on but decided to protect her daughter and lie for her. Someday the truth will come out it always does, she will make a slip or someone will come forward. I hope she rots in h**l for what she did and her mother along with her.

  3. If it was an accident, then yes.  They could prove that it was an accident from examining the body.

    Otherwise, no.  What kind of case will they have against her?  They can't prove "murder" on what they have.  They don't know that it is murder.  

    If she doesn't give up the body though, I just can't think it was an accident.

  4. I think her parents know that she did something but they don't know what. And Casey ain't nothing but a w***e and I hope she rots for what she has done but I don't know if she will ever admit to what she did. Sounds like another Susan Smith and Diane Downs to me.

  5. Tough question.  She's smart enough to know that she shouldn't say anything.  Somehow I hope they do find out.  No, I don't think her parents know more or are involved.  Against the odds they are doing what parents think they should do in supporting their daughter.  I think Casey's mother realizes she has said some incriminating things about her daughter and is trying to cover herself on those statements.

  6. it's all just sad.

  7. No because for fact number 1 she is to self serving and cares about no one else but herself.

    Even leonard Padilla has stated she walks around with no emotion.She could care less....

    She is the one who got rid of her..and was she killed by accident w casey...I don't think so because like psychatris

    have stated she has shown no remorse if its accident we go through mourning.Up until that point when i heard that i thought maybe casey was dong drugs inside and forgot caylee was in pool and she drown (because there were indention by pool in police report)

  8. Casey only cares about Casey..I don't think she will say anything unless it will help her..and at this point everything she has said is a lie ..the grandparents are disgusting ..Caylees blood is on their hands also because they admitted that they knew Casey was a psychopath yet did nothing to keep this psychopath away from, the dad was a retired police detective and he cannot deduce that casey killed her daughter...??? There is a special place in h**l for people like that and god willing  there will be a special place in the Florida Department of Corrections for Casey..

  9. no, she will not tell..because she has no conscience. She is a pathological liar and a psychopath. I don't think that her parents had anything to do with it other than trying to protect casey after the fact. They know she has harmed caylee but in their hearts, they want to show support for her and they are desperate to believe that caylee is still alive. I do believe that they are in many ways babying casey in the belief that she will eventually have a moment of weakness and confess to them where caylee is..but I don't think she will ever do that. She only does what is best for her..with no regard for anyone else.

  10. I don't think she will. I don't think parents were involved. Cindy is clearly in denial, distraught, look at her. She is loosing not one but 2 people she loves here. She is in denial cause who would want to face that reality?

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