
Do you think Chaperoning Bristol Palin on her dates would of worked better than her moms abstinence plan?

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Just wondering

DO you think Bristol Palin Knows the difference between Love and s*x at age !7?

and before you go and say its none of our business every presidential candidates' family has been in the spot light since the invention of Cameras.... The bush Twins, Chaney's g*y Daughter who he never disowned and Chelsey Clinton, Caroline Kennedy, John f Kennedy and so on....




  1. Ever heard of sneaking in or out during the night ?

    The right s*x Education MAY have prevented this mistake.

  2. Yes I do. Abstinence-only s*x education is ridiculous. And as Bristol Palin has shown us, her mom's abstinence-only s*x ed plan didn't work with her daughter. Nor will it work with millions of other young people. Get a clue.

    We need to teach kids that you can get pregnant the first time. That you can't simply take one birth control pill & be protected that time. That you can get pregnant if the woman is on top. Etc, etc, etc. It sounds retarded, but I've been 17 and heard lots of kids say those exact things. They need to learn how to use ALL forms of birth control (including abstinence...but also birth control pills, condoms, spermicides, natural birth control, vaginal contraception films, IUDs, etc.) That's the only way to prevent pregnancy. Not abstinence. We're all just animals and want to do the wild thing.

  3. Yes.  Chastity belts all around for that family.  NO MORE PALINS.

  4. Another question that will not help the poor, the unemployed, or the invading aliens coming to take over California. Everyone wants everything to be a Glamour Magazine moment. Well; sorry to burst yourbubble, it's not. Just the other day, Mulder and I were talking about this very subject. You know he really is my son, don't you? He said unless we come under attack by the alien armada, Obama couldn't cause too much harm,he'd just give away our freedoms for his agenda. I told him, "Now you know why they cancelled your show."

  5. Why don't you read the answers from the last 50 times you asked this question.

    It still hasn't sunk in how obvious you democrats are.

  6. s*x ed. Birth control.

    Sarah Palin lives in HappyLand where teenagers aren't doing it and everyone bows before a hateful, vengeful God with a Bible in their hands (wherein the passages concerning love, harmony, and peace have been crossed out). In every home there are massive abouts of cameras hooked up to CIA and FBI offices. And she returns home every night for a steaming plate of fresh moose.

  7. At least Bristol is keeping the baby.

    Unlike some dems who would rather just kill it.

  8. Um.. how about s*x education and birth control!!

  9. Didn't work for Obama's mother did it?

  10. Would HAVE.  Gah... I let a lot of grammar slide around here, but come on...

    Most 20-somethings don't know the difference between love and s*x regardless of party affiliation, so thinking a 17 year old does is just naive.  And seriously, who chaperons date anymore?  Actually talking openly with your children instead of expecting the schools to do it is a lot more effective than watching them while they're on a date.

    And just because political families get stuck in the spotlight doesn't mean their s*x lives are any of our business... it just means the American public is full of voyeurs.

  11. lmao....hahahaha.... lol ....hahaha...that and a condom... hahahaha

  12. her s*x life is not my business

  13. 'Would HAVE'. Not 'would of'. That makes no sense.

    People have s*x. The proof? Us.

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