
Do you think Charles will ever have the throne?

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Or, do you think the Queen will outlive him so it will go to Charles' son?




  1. no. the queen is old, she will probably die soon and he probably wont..............go figure

  2. One hopes not.  Charles is such a stodgy, stick in the mud.  He showed what a weak and selfish person he was when he married Diana while loving Camilla.  He continued to cheat on Diana even after having the children.  He did not try to make a go of it because he was a selfish  pig.  He was jealous of Diana's popularity and generally is an immature dork.

    Who wants that as a ruler?

  3. No i don't think he ever will, kings that reign years ago stayed on the throne till they died, i think Elizabeth will do the same, so i suppose its whether or not he's still alive when something does happen to her.

  4. He will, but he will not hold it for long

  5. Republic as soon as possible. So the answer is: I sure hope not.

  6. The question is, would he want the throne? I know I wouldn't.

  7. I do not think she has the moral character to step down. Winsor family is not really known for people of Character even in the elite circles og Brittan.

  8. Charles will have it for a while. Not too soon, I hope, because Elizabeth is fantastic!

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